CLASSIFIEDS COMMENTARY RATE SCHEDULE: SOFTWARE Classified line advertisements are inserted in 7-point type at the rate of $6.00 per word. This includes heading and address. Maximum insertion 15 lines. Prices are net. Classified line insertions for members are $2.00 per word. Classified Column Inch Border Advertisements are inserted in 8-point bold heading and address type of 7-point body type at the rate of $145.00 per column inch, includes heading and address. Maximum length 5 inches. Maximum width 2-1/8 " . Prices are net. Border classified insertions for members are $65.00 per column inch. Classifieds are accepted in the categories of Job Opportunities, Rentals, Business Opportunities, and Software. Closing date: Copy must be received by the classified department by the 3rd of the month preceding date of issue. OPENINGS Address: Send request for further information to: ASHRAE JOURNAL Vanessa Johnson 1791 Tullie Circle NE Atlanta, GA 30329 Phone 678-539-1166 Fax 678-539-2166 E-mail: LOOKING FOR ASSOCIATE PARTNER EXPERIENCED IN BUSINESS CONNECTION WITH ARCHITECTS AND GENERAL CONTRACTORS. * Must have knowledge in HVAC Design and Auto Cad Revit Submit resume to: CJA Engineering Consultants, LLC 752 Florence Isle Ave. Henderson NV 89015 APRI L 2021 ASHRAE JOURNAL 71