HONORABLE MENTION | 2022 ASHRAE TECHNOLOGY AWARD CASE STUDIES Landscape garden and greening were provided at podium roofs to help insulation. The overall OTTV value of 16 W/m2 (1.5 W/ft2) was achieved, which was on average 55% lower than the statutory requirement. Centralized Chilled and Hot Water The normal and essential air-conditioning supply for the whole building was provided by an air-cooled chiller plant, with a system that comprises four oil-free chillers, two heat recovery chillers and two reverse cycle chillers. A packaged water-to-water heat pump was provided for heating purposes. A variable fl ow primary chilled water system was adopted to minimize the energy use during the part-load condition. All primary water pumps were equipped with variable speed drives. Oil-free chillers were equipped with variable speed drives for achieving high integrated part load value. The measured COP values of chillers under peak condition had outperformed the minimum requirements as stipulated in the statutory requirement of Hong Kong for ~24% for the oil-free and heat recovery chillers and 14% for the reverse cycle chillers. Hot Water Energy Recovery The hot water system was integrated with the chilled water system to maximize the overall energy effi ciency in view of the simultaneous demand of cooling and heating. Three tiers of heating were designed, with priority given to solar heating, waste heat from heat recovery chillers and water-to-water heat pumps. Gas water boilers were provided for fi nal heating to achieve safe water temperatures. Energy Effi cient Approach A comprehensive energy effi cient approach on various building services systems was adopted for the project, which included waste heat reclaim through the adoption of heat recovery chillers, heat pipes and a condensate recovery system. A rainwater harvesting system was also designed for irrigation purposes as well as to reduce the use of fresh water. Our Competition Can't Take The Heat... But Rovanco Can! Manufacturing the Highest Quality & Most Energy Effi cient Piping Systems in the Marketplace! Rovanco has over 50 years of experience at manufacturing the highest quality products in the industry. Our engineering department will assist you in designing the most energy effi cient system that will have the longest operating life span. Contact us anytime! rovanco.com * (815) 741-6700 Thousands of Miles Experience D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 2 a s h r a e . o r g ashrae.o rg ASHRAE JOURNAL A S H A E J O U R N A L 3 5http://www.rovanco.com http://ashrae.org