1 ST 2024 ASHRAE 2024 ASHRAE TECHNOLOGY AWARDS CASE STUDY Low-Carbon Academic Renovation Project in The Tropics S By Bertrand Lasternas, Member ASHRAE Bertrand Lasternas, is an associate director at the National University of Singapore in Singapore. 56 chool of Design and Environment 1 (SDE1) in Singapore is an intelligent adaptive reuse project that reinvents the legacy of a 1970s institutional building by accommodating a net zero energy, high-comfort academic environment of the future. It serves as a scaffold for learning, teaching and research to inspire students and faculty in the disciplines of design and sustainability. The building design creates a series of lightshelves to drive daylight deep into the fl oor plate, while an ascending succession of screens folds to fi lter solar radiation while providing views and natural ventilation. The south block renovation involves internal reorganization of faculty offi ce ASHRAE JOURNAL ashrae.org MAY 2 0 2 4 spaces while the central courtyard is replaced with a jungle garden and brise soleil crown. The interior is retrofi tted with smart building sensors that monitor and control the highest standards of indoor environmental quality coupled with a hybrid cooling system. In essence, the design FINBARR FALLONhttp://www.ashrae.org