Smaller Size...It's a Big Deal! Improving indoor air quality with a full range of rooftop ventilation units. ■ ENERGY-EFFICIENT ■ SIMPLE START-UP ■ EXPANDED CAPACITIES ■ MORE SIZES NEW Model RV-10 500-2,500 cfm 3-7 tons packaged DX cooling ■ Vertical or horizontal duct connections for fl exible installation ■ Factory-programmed microprocessor controller for easy and precise operation ■ Inverter compressor and EC condenser fan as standard for tight temperature and humidity control ■ Ideal for schools, hotels, offi ces, condos and assisted living facilities Greenheck's RV-10 is perfect for applications requiring lower CFM ranges and a smaller footprint and can be applied to both partial recirculation applications and dedicated outdoor air systems. The RV-10 offers supply airflows from 500-2,500 cfm, 3-7 tons of packaged DX cooling and 75-200 mbh of indirect gas heating. Our comprehensive line of Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems (DOAS) meets a wide range of performance requirements. RV-75 RV-110 OVERALL RANGE GREENHECK PROVIDES: 500-18,000 cfm 3-70 tons of packaged cooling FANS | ENERGY RECOVERY | PACKAGED VENTILATION | MAKE-UP AIR | KITCHEN VENTILATION | LAB EXHAUST | DAMPERS | LOUVERS | COILS LEARN MORE AND FIND YOUR GREENHECK REP ©2021 Greenheck