TECHNICAL FEATURE FIGURE 9 Outcomes of the measurements for Restaurant 3 (left) and Restaurant 7 (right). The results are presented in boxplots. BZ = breathing zone. 1000 800 600 400 200 WHO Limit Well Limit 1000 800 600 400 200 WHO Limit Well Limit Location of PM Measurement Location of PM Measurement information on the relative contribution of the peaks for the upper 25% (P75 - P100) and upper 5% (P95 - P100) of the exposure concentrations measured. Table 4 shows that the main problem in the total exposure of the chef is to be found in the peaks. They generally contribute to a large extent to the total PM2.5 intake of the chef and need to be addressed when looking for improvements. In this fi eld study it was not possible to identify the effectiveness of the cooking hoods applied. It, nevertheless, appears important to make improvements . In addition to that, the chef's behavior could most probably be optimized to reduce the exposure further. The Authority in Air Control Ruskin® FSD60LP low-profi le integral sleeve combination fi re and smoke dampers and Ruskin data-center dampers offer you the freedom to do more. The FSD60LP offers a low-profi le integral sleeve combination while meeting NFPA 80, 80A, 92A, 92B, 101 and 105 standards. And Ruskin Data Center Series Dampers provide exceptional effi ciency with high-performance airfoil blades, a Class 1A leakage rating* and a coupler option that joins two damper sections without a jackshaft. *AMCA Class 1A leakage is defi ned as 3 cfm @ 1-in. wg. low-profi le integral slee e combination while 105 standards. And Ruskin Data Center Series leakage rating* and a coupler option that joins S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 2 ashrae.o rg ASHRAE JOURNAL 25 Concentration PM2.5 (µg/m3) Chef BZ Kitchen 3.3 ft Kitchen 6.6 ft Restaurant Concentration PM2.5 (µg/m3) Chef BZ Kitchen 3.3 ft Kitchen 6.6 ft Restaurant