COLUMN BUILDING SCIENCES PHOTO 3 Frame Wall. An insulated frame wall assembly FIGURE 5 Concrete basement foundation wall with exterior rigid insulation. can be located to the interior of the interior rigid insulation. Vinyl or Aluminium Siding Rigid Insulation (Taped Or Sealed Joints) Sealant, Adhesive or Gasket Adhesive Floor Assembly Cantilevered Over Foundation Wall to Account for Thickness Of Exterior Basement Insulation Protective Membrane Strip Cavity Insulation Gypsum Board Sealant, Adhesive or Gasket Sealant at Corner of Bottom Plate and Subfloor or Gasket Under Bottom Plate Cavity Insulation Sealant Sill Gasket Flashing Cellular PVC Protection Board Ground Slopes Away From Wall at 5% (6 in. per 10 ft) Impermeable Backfill PHOTO 4 Exterior Rigid Insulation. Extruded polystyrene is installed on the exterior of the concrete foundation wall. Concrete Foundation Wall Impermeable Backfill Granular Backfill Rigid Insulation Sealant Over Bond Break Material Dampproofing Filter Fabric Concrete Slab Coarse Gravel (No Fines) Perforated Drain Pipe Capillary Break Over Footing (Dampproofing or Membrane) Concrete Footing Concrete Basement Foundation With Exterior Rigid Insulation Granular Capillary Break and Drainage Pad (No Fines) PHOTO 5 Exterior Rigid Insulation. High density fiberglass rigid insulation, which provides exterior drainage and control of hydrostatic pressure. Applicability-All Hygro-Thermal Regions Figure 5 and Photo 4 illustrate a concrete basement foundation wall with exterior rigid insulation. The exterior insulation layer is protected with a sealed cement board protecting the insulation layer during the construction process and subsequently during its useful service life. Note the protective membrane strip sealed to the top of the foundation wall for insect control. Exterior rigid insulation is located at the rim joist floor framing to control summer condensation. When insulating sheathing is not used, rigid insulation should be installed to the interior of the rim joist or an air impermeable insulation should be applied at the rim joist assembly. Note the capillary break at the top of the footing. Further note the air sealing of the top of the concrete slab to the interior of the concrete 54 ASHRAE JOURNAL MARCH 2021 perimeter wall. This seal is necessary to control soil gas ingress. The exterior rigid insulation can be rigid fiberglass or rigid mineral wool-both of which provide exterior drainage and control of hydro- Rate this Column static pressure (Photo 5).