Healthier Indoor Air is the Answer Greenheck provides complete ventilation solutions for schools. ■ SINGLE SOURCE ■ ENERGY EFFICIENT 4 ■ QUIET OPERATION 5 ■ COST-EFFECTIVE 6 1 3 1 6 2 14 8 13 12 10 15 1 11 7 6 8 9 8 FANS | ENERGY RECOVERY | LEARN MORE AND FIND YOUR GREENHECK REP PACKAGED VENTILATION | 1 Dedicated Outdoor Air System (DOAS) 8 Centrifugal Inline Fan 9 Ceiling Exhaust Fan 2 Roof Upblast 10 Louver 3 Louvered Gravity Ventilator 11 Intake Damper 4 Equipment Screen 12 Utility Fan 5 Laboratory Exhaust System 13 Make-Up Air Unit 6 Spun Aluminum Roof Exhaust 14 Upblast Roof Exhaust 7 Hooded Gravity Ventilator MAKE-UP AIR | KITCHEN VENTILATION | © 2021 Greenheck Greenheck offers a complete line of ventilation products for educational facilities that create a safe, comfortable, and productive environment for students and staff while keeping operating and installation costs low. And Greenheck's CAPS® software makes product selection easy. Let Greenheck do the homework on your next school ventilation project. 15 Kitchen Hood LAB EXHAUST | DAMPERS | LOUVERS | COILS