show products power of big data and IoT to give you eyes into the buildings you service like never before. BOB is a fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) software platform that combines building analytics with service workflow automation and energy benchmarking to identify problems in a building's HVAC system and provide proactive solutions with system effects and a recommended fix. ac Pac Power & Energy Metering er & Energy Metering DTS ac meters from Measurlogic, Inc. (C1150) are available with either 333 mV or 5 A CT inputs. The 333 mV CT versions can now accommodate both 333 mV or flexible Rogowski CTs. All DTS meters are now shipped with both BACnet® Modbus protocols preloaded. Snow Sensor with BMS nterface Snow Sensor with BMS IInter ace Snow sensors from Meitav-tec (C1271) are available as aerial, ground and gutter models. Operated 24VAC, with auto-detection protocol and baud rate for BACnet® MODBUS over RS485 lines (A/B). and Pressure SensorPressure Sensor The HTS Series from Merit Sensor Systems, Inc. (C1580) was designed for harsh and wet media, such as water, refrigerant, steam, natural gas and fuel. The sensor has excellent accuracy (1.0% FS) over wide pressure and temperature ranges, which makes it suitable for various TEK-ECM Plenum & AFK Flange Fans Feature IE5 Effi ciency EC Motors and * Plug-and-Play Integrated Motor & Drive * Ideal for Variable Speed Applications * OEM Custom Confi gurations Available Product Spotlight at 2022 AHR Expo Booth N7701 S118 ASHRAE JOURNAL ashrae.o rg J A N U A RY 2 0 2 2 Learn More ASHRAE JOURNAL'S OFFICIAL PRODUCT & SHOW GU I DE