show products (C1688) makes air terminal devices in the commercial and life sciences markets obsolete. The SAV is the most economical way to measure and control low airflows over a wide range. the new ELITURBO I-TRONIC air destratification and mixer fan. Thanks to its special patented impeller, the fan draws in the air from the upper part of the building and mixes with that drawn in from below to then distribute it radially at 360° without annoying drafts, making uniform the indoor microclimate and reducing the costs for heating. Air DesAir Destratification andtratification and Mix Mixer Faner Fan IMPRESIND SRL (N11612) presents AirfloAirflow Measurement Systemw Measurement Sys em The KMC Conquest Airflow Measurement System from KMC Controls, Inc. (C1444) was developed to address irregular, deficient or wrong outdoor airflow measurements. It is reliable in inclement weather; consistently produces accurate, reliable numbers and is thousands of dollars cheaper than its competitors. MecMechanical Identificationhanical Identification Products Products The new plenum rated pipe and duct markers from Kolbi Pipe Marker Co. (C6115) are constructed of 0.08 in. (2 mm) aluminum foil WHEN IT'S CRITICAL, IT HAS TO BE DWYER YOUR INDOOR AIR QUALITY SOLUTIONS PROVIDER VISIT AHR BOOTH C1452 ASHRAE JOURNAL'S OFFICIAL PRODUCT & SHOW GU I DE J A N U A RY 2 0 2 2 ASHRAE JOURNAL S79