INNOVATION AWARDS Building Automation Controller Combines 7 Sensors to Provide Accurate View of a Space T he O3 Sensor Hub 2.0 from winner Delta Controls Inc. (Booth 1161) combines seven differ- O3 Sensor Hub 2.0. Cooling ent sensors to provide the most accurate view of an interior space available on the market. IoT-enabled to function as a standalone room controller, it combines temperature sensing, occupancy detection, humidity and wireless integration into one. This innovation uses Sensor Fusion to enhance occupant experience with heightened room control and reduced false occupancy detections. The O3 is ceilingmounted to maximize functionality from the best vantage point of the room, enabling it to accurately detect occupancy with simple reads from body heat, keyboard noise or other motion. It also quickly detects when occupants leave the room, resulting in cost savings valuable to facilities management. Finalists * 75F (Booth 268): 75F Building Intelligence System; * BELIMO Americas (Booth 767): Ultrasonic Flow Sensor; and * Danfoss (Booth 1501): Danfoss VLT® condition-based monitoring. Heat Exchanger Uses Whole Airside Heat Transfer Under Part Load The winning Danfoss (Booth 1501) Interlaced Micro Channel Heat Exchanger (iMCHE) integrates multiple circuits into a single coil. It works using a shared air heat transfer area and controlling each one independently by a multi-circuit system. The iMCHE uses a whole airside heat trans- Interlaced Micro Channel Heat Exchanger (iMCHE). fer when operating under partial load conditions to maximize efficiency. Based on the results of a recent case study, the IEER increased 18% when using the iMCHE solution. The iMCHE provides a compact and cost-effective solution for dualcircuit rooftop units. The iMCHE allows equipment to meet new climate change and en- A S H R A E J O U R N A L' S O F F I C I A L P R O D U CT & S H OW G U I D E JAN UARY 2020 ergy standards with low cost impact. Finalists * Baltimore Aircoil Company (Booth 2321): Nexus™ Modular Hybrid Cooler; and * Smardt Chiller Group Inc.'s (Booth 6643): Smardt G-class 515B Low-GWP Chiller. ASHRAE JOURNAL S 11