SHOW PRODUCTS Personnel Safety Ultrasonic Flow Meter The Dynasonics TFX-5000 ultrasonic clamp-on flow meter from Badger Meter (6553) is designed for non-invasive, ultrasonic transit time flow measurement for applications such as glycol/hot water (heating), chilled water (cooling) and cooling tower blowdown. Latch-Hinge with an internal emergency opening from EMKA Inc. (7761) is equipped with an easy to operate push button located on the backside. This ensures a person can open a closed panel door, even when the closed panel door is locked. chine is designed to weld special PP-R joints like collectors and reduced branches. The light weight of the machine enables easy fixing. Miscellaneous Socket Fusion Machine Prisma Up 90 from Ritmo America LLC (8290) is a special PP-R saddle socket fusion machine. The ma- A S H R A E J O U R N A L' S O F F I C I A L P R O D U CT & S H OW G U I D E Modular Mechanical Seals Advance Products & Systems, LLC (7460) offers Innerlynx Modular JAN UARY 2020 ASHRAE JOURNAL S 117