show products The thousands of products displayed at AHR Expo help HVAC&R professionals do their work. A small sample of these state-of-the-art products are on the following pages. Each product includes the company's booth number. Visit the web address listed beneath each item for more information. Air Conditioning and Refrigeration hydrogen. It can be used both for qualitative localization of leaks and for quantitative global or local testing. Brazing Alloy Grow Room Equipment United CoolAir's (3973) Cultiva Grow Room is a complete system, unlike others that use a standard air conditioner to control temperature and a separate dehumidifier to control humidity. The product's capabilities keep room conditions on target. Lucas Milhaupt (4461) Sil-Fos 15 brazing alloy is suitable when joining metals where close fit-ups cannot be maintained and is well suited for refrigeration applications. Coil Manufacturer Fin Die Magnetic Bearing Chiller Arctic Chiller Group (5153) offers the MiniMod magnetic bearing chiller. The premium efficiency oilfree modular product is available up to 125 tons/module (440 kW/ module) with a footprint of 35 in. × 40 in. (889 mm × 1016 mm). Tridan International's (5442) FLSC75-48-36 ribbon-type servo fin die has larger die capacity and uses the company's Servo Controlled Press and Servo controlled Pull Feed-Type Die Feeding System. It is designed primarily for use with Tridan's Model RDVS-Type Ribbon Fin Die. Lay Ins HaVACo Technologies (5786) offers a variety of lay ins. The patented and patent pending Quick Connect designs allow the simple removal of just the grille in seconds. The plastic 2 × 2 lay in is less conductive than metal and more resistant to sweating. S54 ASHRAE JOURNAL Leak Detectors The ASM 340 leak detector from Pfeiffer Vacuum (8185) is used for high reliability testing in various applications using helium and JAN UARY 2020 Corrosion Protection Coatings FinoteZx corrosion protection coatings from Metal Processing International L.P. (2185) uses a multistep A S H R A E J O U R N A L' S O F F I C I A L P R O D U CT & S H OW G U I D E