show products Portable Air Conditioner durability and savings in installation time and costs. The CT-12 Spot Cooler with HEPA Kit from ClimaTemp Portables (4590) was designed for the hospital and medical industry where high indoor air quality is of utmost importance. Heat Pump with IAQ Solution Pre-Insulated Pipe The new XE ductless heat pump system from Panasonic Heating and Air Conditioning Group (3761) includes nanoeX built-in air and surface purification technology. The technology disperses OH radicals through the air and deep into fabrics. The new INCOTHERM bi-layer polypropylene outer jacket special pipe from Inco Peninsular SA de CV (1133) is made with two layers of polypropylene. Advantages are low thermal conductivity, weatherproofing, impact resistance, lightness, compressive strength, Wireless Pressure Sensor The TDWLB-LC series of wireless pressure transducers from Transducers Direct (8351) now offers two new remote monitoring options- Z-wave communication for pairing with wireless thermostats and VISIT AHR BOOTH 6361 VISIT AHR BOOTH 4568 S 74 ASHRAE JOURNAL JAN UARY 2020 A S H R A E J O U R N A L' S O F F I C I A L P R O D U CT & S H OW G U I D E