Effi ciency. Flexibility. Reliability. You can feel it in the air. See how LG DOAS units add value and comfort. When you choose an LG Dedicated Outdoor Air System, you can maximize performance and improve indoor air quality with units that are: * Energy effi cient: Our double heat recovery coil reduces the compressor load and uses less energy. * Cost-effective: The LG inverter compressor and double heat recovery coil vertically align VRF equipment, DOAS, and controls in the building. * * Flexible: The Indoor split and Rooftop split DOAS are designed specifi cally for use with LG Multi V outdoor units and integrate seamlessly with LG VRF controls. Easily Installed: LG DOAS have built-in Heat Recovery Units which require less labor at installation. Whether you're providing comfort for offi ces, schools, hospitality, healthcare, or multi-family projects, LG DOAS units are the preferred choice for your preferred temperature. Contact your LG Applied Representative today at lghvac.com/professional-locators Copyright ©2021 LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc. All Rights Reserved.http://www.lghvac.com/professional-locators