INFO CENTER SPECIAL SPECIAL ADVERTISING ADVERTISING SECTION SECTION Air and Water-Cooled VRV Systems from the world's #1 HVAC manufacturer Trusted Flow Measurement. NEW 5 Ton Module 2, 3 and 4 Ton Modules Ultrasonic Flow Sensors with Glycol Compensation Trusted flow measurement is essential in maximizing HVAC system efficiency and ensuring occupant comfort. Belimo's new flow sensor utilizes ultrasonic technology with glycol compensation to provide accurate and repeatable flow measurements of water and water/glycol mixtures without drift in any HVAC application. Discover the advantages 2020 Niles Power Plates System Brings the Heat With the Niles Power Plates water heating system, you'll get performance-driven water heating for large quantities of water: * Storage tanks up to 2,500 gallons * High rates of heat transfer with less surface area * Single wall or double wall designs to 300GPM and * Up 1,100 Sq. Ft of heating surface FEBRUARY 2020 ASHRAE JOURNAL 77