2 in. wg FEI BHP specification. You can contact AMCA staff if you need help matching seals to requirements. Also, know that printed seals on product packaging are not allowed and do not indicate AMCA certification. * Know that affixed seals are not required on AMCA-certified products AMCA does not require a certified product to have an affixed seal. This is a manufacturer choice. Therefore, a product may be certified but not have a seal. Check AMCA's online database to verify certification. While this product may have been tested in accordance with AMCA standards, this is not the same as being AMCA certified and could be misleading. 3 in. wg RPM Air Flow Louver Model XX 000. The ratings shown are based on tests and procedures made in accordance with AMCA standard 500-L. The actual test results of water penetration and air performance may vary (+/-10%) depending on the actual application. Free area calculations are (+/-5%) Unit test size: 48" x 48" (Ratings reflect without the bird screen) BHP MEMBER WIND DRIVEN RAIN PERFORMANCE 1m x 1m Test Size It is a violation to show the AMCA member logo with product performance data because readers may conclude this product is AMCA certified, which may not be accurate. Core Velocity * Verify the AMCA certification seal is authentic 29 mpm Wind Velocity @ 3 in./hr. Rainfall Rate Water Pen. Effectiveness Water Pen. Classification 0 fpm - A 99 fpm 99.3 A 195 fpm 98.6 B 295 fpm 96.3 B 390 fpm 95.0 B 490 fpm 92.0 C 590 fpm 89.0 C 675 fpm 87.2 C Regretfully, we have found that counterfeit AMCA seals do exist in the field. Product manufacturers This image is from a manufacturer's product catalog. The company are not authorized to print their own seals for use name and model number have been changed for this illustration. on physical products. Seals must be purchased directly from AMCA. Compare official seals with their If an AMCA-certified product is sold to and renamed by counterfeits in Figure 1. a different company (nameplated), the renamed product * Verify that product and company names match must have its own AMCA certification to ensure product the AMCA certification performance. Verify AMCA-certified products by name www.info.hotims.com/65142-69 16 Fall 2017 A M C A I N T E R NAT I O NA L www.info.hotims.com/65142-65 inmotion W W W. A M C A . O R G Fhttp://marsair.com http://www.multi-wing.com http://www.info.hotims.com/65142-69 http://www.info.hotims.com/65142-65 http://WWW.AMCA.ORG