2 in. wg BHP 3 in. wg FEI RPM BHP BY THE FAN REGULATION COMMITTEE A New Efficiency Metric for Fans Enables New Approaches for Regulations and Incentives In June 2011, the American fan industry prepared for a journey as the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) began attempts to regulate fan performance for the first time in history. Despite promising initial signs, the ship remains in the harbor, and the journey remains in the planning phase. 2 Fall 2017 There have, however, been developments in the rulemaking that provide strong indicators of what its key components may look like. A public negotiation resulted in an agreement on the fan efficiency metrics to be used for rule development. Those metrics are (1) the fan energy index (FEI) and (2) an intermediary metric called fan electrical power (FEP). This article will explore the DOE's innovative regulatory policy and the agreed-upon technical recommendations to maximize energy savings and optimize air movement systems A M C A I N T E R NAT I O NA L inmotion W W W. A M C A . O R G Fhttp://WWW.AMCA.ORG