ARKEMA AND ASHRAE: RICH HISTORY, BRIGHT FUTURE A Arkema takes pride in providing products that play a vital part in solutions that deliver comfort, safety and productivity. Building on our unique expertise in materials science, we offer cutting-edge technologies that meet the challenges of our ever-changing global environment and satisfy the growing demand for new, sustainable materials. As a proud supporter of ASHRAE for decades, Arkema is honored to be a partner in the building of its new headquarters. ASHRAE has been 42 instrumental in the development of technical guidance and standards (including safety standards for refrigerants) for the HVAC&R industry and has provided Arkema and other leading companies in this industry with a valuable platform to have our voices heard. Arkema is pleased to align with ASHRAE's goals for sustainability, as indicated by our joining the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), and diligently working in partnership with