rainwater and condensate supplied by rooftop condensate units are collected and stored in two 8,600 gallon tanks at the Sally cheever Girl Scout Leadership center in San antonio, Texas.
Capturing Condensate
B y T o m L a w r e n c e , P h . D . , P. e . , m e m B e r a S h r a e ; a n D J a S o n P e r r y , m e m B e r a S h r a e
Developed nations are realizing what has been common knowledge in developing nations: that water should be treated as a valuable commodity. Supply (or lack of it) and demand influence the price of water, but politics also play a role. Some within the green building circle now consider water concerns to be as important as energy.
56 HigH Performing Buildings fa l l 2 0 1 0
Brian Wilkie, San Antonio Water System
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of High Performing Buildings - Fall 2010