High Performing Buildings - Fall 2011 - (Page 2)
E d i t o r ’ s
c o M M E n t a r y
Fundamentals Last
H igh P ErforMing b uildings
1791 Tullie Circle N.E., Atlanta, GA 30329-2305 Phone: 404-636-8400, Fax: 404-321-5478 www.HPBmagazine.org, E-mail: HPBmagazine@ashrae.org
Editorial advisory Board
lot is changing at High Performing Buildings magazine. We’ve added sections on products and letters, and we’ll be launching a new website later this year. But the biggest addition is our sponsorship of our first conference. The High Performing Buildings Conference will be held March 12 – 13 in Mission Valley, Calif., near San Diego. The theme is, A Focus on Deep Energy Savings, and more than 70 papers have been submitted. There also will be a strong lineup of speakers and presentations. You can learn more at www. ashrae.org/HPBConference. Registration is limited to 300 people. THIS EDITION completes the fourth year for HPB Magazine and we’ve published more than 80 case studies. While there are many facets of good energy performance, they seem to support three commonly understood design issues. First, high performers take advantage of climate and location. Second, they have envelopes that reduce load and maximize lighting, and third, they use high-efficiency mechanical systems and lighting. This edition is filled with good examples, such as the Golden Hill Office Center near Denver. Built 28 years ago, the buildings received a 99 ENERGY STAR rating in 2010, despite increased demand over the
years from growth in occupancy and plug loads. The three-building office complex is located on a hill to maximize sunlight. The buildings are connected by two enclosed glass atriums for lighting and to harvest solar heat in winter. The buildings are oriented east-west with plentiful north-south glazing for daylighting. These design decisions enabled the use of evaporative cooling without a chiller-based cooling system as a backup. They also set the stage for the buildings to upgrade as more efficient technologies entered the market. AN ADDITIONAL fundamental could be the philosophy of continuous improvement. “The quest to improve Golden Hill’s energy efficiency is neverending,” said author Michael Kamen. Future plans include installing high efficiency boilers, a new energy management system and strategy for cooling towers that will reduce pump energy by 75%. “These and other energy enhancements may yield the Golden Hill Office Center a 100 point ENERGY STAR rating, and continue to make Golden Hill a model of energy efficiency for years to come.” WE HOPE you enjoy the edition. Your comments and letters are always appreciated. The Editors
Lindsay Audin, Energywiz David Grumman, P.E., Grumman/Butkus Associates Sheila Hayter, P.E., National Renewable Energy Lab Adam W. Hinge, P.E., Sustainable Energy Partnerships Vivian Loftness, FAIA, Carnegie Mellon University Donald Winston, P.E., The Durst Organization
Fred Turner, fturner@ashrae.org Sarah Foster, sfoster@ashrae.org associatE Editors Rebecca Matyasovski, rebecca@ashrae.org Charlotte Tubbs, ctubbs@ashrae.org Christopher Weems, cweems@ashrae.org copy Editor Jeri Eader, jeader@ashrae.org
Editor Managing Editor
d E s i g n Susan Carabetta, Carabetta Hayden Design P u B l i s h i n g s E r v i c E s a n d c i r c u l at i o n
publishing sErvicEs ManagEr production
David Soltis Jayne Jackson, Tracy Becker Greg Martin, gmartin@ashrae.org Vanessa Johnson, vjohnson@ashrae.org
advErtising salEs ManagEr advErtising production
P u B l i s h E r W. Stephen Comstock M i s s i o n s tat E M E n t
High Performing Buildings describes measured performance of practices and technologies to promote better buildings, presenting case studies that feature integrated building design practices and improved operations and maintenance techniques.
issn 1940-3003 (print) and 1940-3054 (digital) Published Quarterly Copyright 2011 by the American Society
of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc., 1791 Tullie Circle N.E., Atlanta, GA 30329-2305. Standard class postage paid at Atlanta, Georgia, and additional mailing offices. subscriptions High Performing Buildings is free to qualified subscribers. Nonqualified subscriptions cost $19 in the U.S. and Canada and $31 outside the U.S. and Canada. Single copies are $6 in the U.S. and Canada and $12 outside the U.S. and Canada. Subscriptions can be completed at www.HPBmagazine.org/subscribe. Postmaster Canadian Agreement Number 40037127. Canadian return address: Station A, P.O. Box 54, Windsor, ON N9A 6J5. E-mail: returnsIL@imex.pb.com. change of address Send current address to High Performing Buildings, P.O. Box 1254, Skokie, IL 60076 or visit www. HPBmagazine.org/addresschange. customer service Contact High Performing Buildings, P.O. Box 1254, Skokie, IL 60076 or HPBsubscriptionmanagement@ halldata.com. Environmental Benefits statement The pages of High Performing Buildings are printed on Somerset Matte Recycled, manufactured by Sappi Paper. Environmental impact estimates were made using the Environmental Defense Fund Paper Calculator. High Performing Buildings saved the following resources by using Somerset Matte Recycled.
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Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of High Performing Buildings - Fall 2011
High Performing Buildings - Fall 2011
Manitoba Hydro Place
Maplewood Police and Court Building
Omega Center for Sustainable Living
Dockside Synergy at Dockside Green
Golden Hill Office Center
Letters to the Editor
Advertisers Index
High Performing Buildings - Fall 2011