High Performing Buildings - Summer 2011 - (Page 2)
E d i t o r ’ s
c o M M E n t a r y
The Greenest Buildings
‘The greenest building is the one also a source of civic pride and a that’s already built.’ host to many community events. Another example is the Christman his often-cited quote is Building in downtown Lansing, generally attributed to Mich. Also built in 1928, the buildWashington, D.C., archiing served as the headquarters of an tect Carl Elifante. While insurance company for more than it’s not completely true, it’s dead on 50 years. for many buildings. Here are some Today the building is the world’s reasons why: first triple LEED Platinum build• The National Center for Historic ing, and a model of materials Preservation says that it takes reuse, water conservation, energy 35–50 years for an energy-efficient efficiency and commitment to the new building to save the amount of community. It also demonstrates the energy lost in demolishing an exist- value of ongoing commissioning. ing building. • Data from the U.S. Department WHAT MAKES these buildings of Energy (DOE) shows that buildespecially important? ings constructed before 1920 are A 2004 report from the Brookings actually more energy-efficient than Institution projects that we will those built at any time afterwards, demolish one-third of our building except for those built after 2000. stock in the next 20–25 years. If we • In 1999, the General Services could save 10% of this 82 billion Administration examined U.S. square feet, it would provide enough building inventory and found that energy to power the state of New utility costs for historic buildings York for well over a year. There’s were 27% less than for more modern also the positive impact on waste buildings. streams. But the value of renovating buildTHIS EDITION’S cover article ings extends beyond numbers. describes the restoration in 2008 “So much discussion about buildof the Power House, unused since ings comes down to how much the 1980. This 1928 building originally building systems cost,” says Gerald housed large coal-fired boilers that Williams, P.E., author of the Power provided steam to dozens of buildHouse article. ings in downtown St. Louis. “But at the end of the day, perhaps Today it’s the home of an archia more pressing question should be: tectural firm, a model of energy and Do they work well for the people water efficiency, and an outstanding who live and work in them?” example of reuse of materials. It’s We believe they do.
H igh P ErforMing b uildings
1791 Tullie Circle N.E., Atlanta, GA 30329-2305 Phone: 404-636-8400, Fax: 404-321-5478 www.HPBmagazine.org, E-mail: HPBmagazine@ashrae.org
Editorial advisory Board
Lindsay Audin, Energywiz David Grumman, P.E., Grumman/Butkus Associates Sheila Hayter, P.E., National Renewable Energy Lab Adam W. Hinge, P.E., Sustainable Energy Partnerships Vivian Loftness, FAIA, Carnegie Mellon University Donald Winston, P.E., The Durst Organization
Fred Turner, fturner@ashrae.org Sarah Foster, sfoster@ashrae.org associatE Editors Rebecca Matyasovski, rebecca@ashrae.org Charlotte Tubbs, ctubbs@ashrae.org Christopher Weems, cweems@ashrae.org copy Editor Jeri Eader, jeader@ashrae.org
Editor Managing Editor
d E s i g n Susan Carabetta, Carabetta Hayden Design P u B l i s h i n g s E r v i c E s a n d c i r c u l at i o n
publishing sErvicEs ManagEr production
David Soltis Jayne Jackson, Tracy Becker Greg Martin, gmartin@ashrae.org Vanessa Johnson, vjohnson@ashrae.org
advErtising salEs ManagEr advErtising production
P u B l i s h E r W. Stephen Comstock M i s s i o n s tat E M E n t
High Performing Buildings describes measured performance of practices and technologies to promote better buildings, presenting case studies that feature integrated building design practices and improved operations and maintenance techniques.
issn 1940-3003 (print) and 1940-3054 (digital) Published Quarterly Copyright 2011 by the American Society
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The Editors
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Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of High Performing Buildings - Summer 2011
Stanford University's Y2E2
The Christman Building
The Gettysburg National Military Park Museum and Visitor Center
Cannon Design Regional Offices, Power House
Great River Energy Headquarters
Advertisers Index
High Performing Buildings - Summer 2011