High Performing Buildings - Summer 2011 - (Page 6)
C a s e
s t u d y
BUilding ThAT
B y C o l e R o B e R t s , P. e . , a s s o C i a t e M e M B e R a s H R a e ; a n d a M i t K H a n n a , a s s o C i at e M e M B e R a s H R a e
Courtesy: Tim Griffith
Stanford University’s Jerry Yang and Akiko Yamazaki Environment and Energy Building (Y2E2) aims to provide watershed solutions in the areas of environment, technology and energy. Completed in early 2008, Y2E2 is the first building in Stanford’s new Science and Engineering Quad 2 (SEQ2). SEQ2 has more than 500,000 ft2 of interdisciplinary teaching and research space in four sustainable buildings.
6 HigH Performing Buildings summer 2011
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of High Performing Buildings - Summer 2011