High Performing Buildings - Winter 2011 - (Page 6)
C a s e
s t u d y
Sustainable Foundations
B y K e n t D u f f y , f A I A , J o n M e h l s c h A u , A I A , A n D n I c K c o l l I n s , P. e . , M e M B e r A s h r A e
When Portland State University decided to renovate Shattuck Hall — one of the campus’ oldest buildings, originally built in 1915 as an elementary school — the design team used the opportunity to also create a teaching laboratory for architecture students by leaving the building systems visible. A radiant ceiling panel shows the copper tubing that carries hot or cold water. Exposed original ductwork distributes fresh air. Concrete columns reveal the building’s skeleton.
Kelly James Photography
HigH Performing Buildings
Winter 2011
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of High Performing Buildings - Winter 2011