High Performing Buildings - Summer 2012 - (Page 2)

E d i t o r ’ s c o M M E n t a r y Bottom Line H IGH P ERFORMING b UILDINGS 1791 Tullie Circle N.E., Atlanta, GA 30329-2305 Phone: 404-636-8400, Fax: 404-321-5478 www.HPBmagazine.org, E-mail: HPBmagazine@ashrae.org Editorial advisory Board N Y Times columnist Tom Friedman likes to make this point in his speeches about green buildings: You don’t have to believe in global warming, that energy resources will become increasingly stressed, or that green buildings are healthier and more productive workplaces. What you really need to know, he says, is that green buildings have a continuing benefit on the bottom line for owners and tenants. In fact, he says, green buildings should be the norm, not the exception. French island of La Reunion. This was achieved partly because the designers took advantage of climate. This should be first in every playbook, but there’s much more involved with ENERPOS. OUR COVER features the Kiowa County Schools in Greensburg, Kan. As many know, Greensburg was destroyed by a tornado in 2007, and there was debate as to whether the town should be rebuilt. The ultimate decision was to build a sustainable community. Kiowa County Schools is not just a good case study, it’s a great story about civic commitment. Other case studies: • High Tech High Chula Vista is a California charter high school that prepares its graduates for jobs in the high-tech industry. It also teaches sustainability through its open-plan layout, limited reliance on mechanical systems and intelligent use of natural resources. • Visitors to Northwest Maritime Center in Port Townsend, Wash., learn about maritime life and the history of boatbuilding. The center also works to protect, improve and restore the waters of Puget Sound. WE HOPE you enjoy this edition. We’d love to hear from you. Let us know what you like, and what you don’t. Also, we’re always looking for more good examples of sustainable design. The Editors Lindsay Audin, Energywiz David Grumman, P.E., Grumman/Butkus Associates Sheila Hayter, P.E., National Renewable Energy Lab Adam W. Hinge, P.E., Sustainable Energy Partnerships Vivian Loftness, FAIA, Carnegie Mellon University Donald Winston, P.E., The Durst Organization Editorial Fred Turner, fturner@ashrae.org Sarah Foster, sfoster@ashrae.org ASSOCIATE EDITORS Rebecca Matyasovski, rebecca@ashrae.org Charlotte Tubbs, ctubbs@ashrae.org Christopher Weems, cweems@ashrae.org Jeri Eader, jeader@ashrae.org EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Chad Bedwell, cbedwell@ashrae.org EDITOR MANAGING EDITOR d E s i g n Susan Carabetta, Carabetta Hayden Design P u B l i s h i n g s E r v i c E s a n d c i r c u l at i o n PUBLISHING SERVICES MANAGER PRODUCTION David Soltis Jayne Jackson, Tracy Becker Greg Martin, gmartin@ashrae.org Vanessa Johnson, vjohnson@ashrae.org advErtising ADVERTISING SALES MANAGER ADVERTISING PRODUCTION P u B l i s h E r W. Stephen Comstock M i s s i o n s tat E M E n t THIS EDITION is filled with good examples of sustainable design that use varying strategies and techniques to create healthy, productive, resource-conscious environments. But the common thread is energy conservation. Consumption of energy in the case studies in this edition ranges from 4.6 kBtu/ft2 to 34.6 kBtu/ft2. The highest kBtu/ft2 is for the pre-Civil War era Wilfred Uytengsu Sr. Center. Readers might have figured out by now that we’re suckers for historical and repurposed buildings. In this instance, designers essentially reconstructed much of the building with original materials, vastly improved the envelope and lighting, and added an underground geothermal loop. The lowest kBtu/ft2 is for a classroom and office building on the High Performing Buildings describes measured performance of practices and technologies to promote better buildings, presenting case studies that feature integrated building design practices and improved operations and maintenance techniques. issn 1940-3003 (print) and 1940-3054 (digital) Published Quarterly Copyright 2012 by ASHRAE, 1791 Tullie Circle N.E., Atlanta, GA 30329-2305. Standard class postage paid at Atlanta, Georgia, and additional mailing offices. subscriptions High Performing Buildings is free to qualified subscribers. Nonqualified subscriptions cost $19 in the U.S. and Canada and $31 outside the U.S. and Canada. Single copies are $6 in the U.S. and Canada and $12 outside the U.S. and Canada. Subscriptions can be completed at www.HPBmagazine.org/subscribe. Postmaster Canadian Agreement Number 40037127. Canadian return address: Station A, P.O. Box 54, Windsor, ON N9A 6J5. E-mail: returnsIL@imex.pb.com. change of address Send current address to High Performing Buildings, P.O. Box 1254, Skokie, IL 60076 or visit www. HPBmagazine.org/addresschange. customer service Contact High Performing Buildings, P.O. Box 1254, Skokie, IL 60076 or HPBsubscriptionmanagement@ halldata.com. Environmental Benefits statement The pages of High Performing Buildings are printed on Somerset Matte Recycled paper manufactured by Sappi Paper and Escanaba Matte Recycled manufactured by NewPage. Environmental impact estimates were made using the Environmental Defense Fund Paper Calculator. High Performing Building saved the following resources by using Somerset Matte Recycled and Escanaba Matte Recycled papers. Greenhouse Wood Use Net Energy Gases Wastewater Solid Waste 13 tons (89 28 Million 8,443 lbs CO2 40,665 2,469 trees saved) BTUs saved equiv. saved gallons saved pounds less Publication disclaimer ASHRAE does not necessarily agree with any statement or opinion in this publication. The appearance of any technical data, editorial material or advertisement in this publication does not constitute endorsement, warranty or guarantee by ASHRAE of any product, service, process, procedure, design or the like. http://www.HPBmagazine.org http://www.HPBmagazine.org/subscribe http://www.HPBmagazine.org/addresschange http://www.HPBmagazine.org/addresschange http://www.fsc.org

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of High Performing Buildings - Summer 2012

High Performing Buildings - Summer 2012
High Tech High Chula Vista
Kiowa County Schools
Northwest Maritime Center
La Reunion’s ENERPOS
Wilfred Uytengsu Sr. Center
Advertisers Index

High Performing Buildings - Summer 2012
