High Performing Buildings - Summer 2013 - (Page 18)
c a s e
s t u d y
of efficiency
Chris Hellstern
B y M a t t h e w L o n g s i n e , P. e . , M e M B e r a s h r a e ; a n d C h r i s h e L L s t e r n
Scientists at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory’s (PNNL) Biological Science Facility
(BSF) and Computational Science Facility (CSF) research divergent fields. Microbes are
the focus at the BSF, where scientists hope to find new sources of renewable bioenergy.
At the CSF, scientists develop computing solutions to help scientists and national security
analysts manage and interpret ever-growing data streams. Their connected facilities demonstrate that integrated sustainable design can benefit occupants and significantly reduce
energy and water use, even in a traditionally energy-intensive facility such as a laboratory.
HigH Performing Buildings
summer 2013
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of High Performing Buildings - Summer 2013