High Performing Buildings - Summer 2014 - (Page 30)
s t u d y
Browning Day Mullins Dierdorf Architects
c a s e
B Y D A N I E L J . O V E R B E Y, A I A ; A N D W I L L I A M M . B R O W N , A I A
For the people of Chrisney, Ind., opportunity for social and economic investment
has not been knocking. This community of fewer than 500 has been in a gradual
economic decline over the past several decades. Having already lost its high
school in the 1970s due to a push for school consolidation, the town took another
blow in 2011 when an expansion of U.S. 231 rerouted the four-lane corridor
around the town, which was once a thriving rural community in southern Indiana.
Summer 2014
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of High Performing Buildings - Summer 2014