Seminar 59 (Intermediate) Dehumidification Designs for Surgical Suites Track: Fundamentals and Applications 1. 2. Applying Dry Rotor Desiccant Systems in Temperature and Humidity Control for Hospital Operating Rooms Applying Liquid Desiccant Systems in Temperature and Humidity Control for Hospital Operating Rooms Seminar 60 (Intermediate) Energy Optimization and Loads for Indoor Plant and Animal Growth Track: Fundamentals and Applications 1. 2. Latent and Sensible Calculations for Indoor Plant Growth Calculation Methodology for Preconditioning Inlet Air for Livestock Facilities Seminar 63 (Advanced) Challenges in Heat and Mass Exchange for Absorption Systems Track: Heat Exchange Equipment 1. 2. 3. Seminar 64 (Intermediate) Combo Filters for IAQ and Energy Savings Track: Systems and Equipment 1. 2. Seminar 61 (Intermediate) Cutting-Edge Japanese Technologies SHASE Annual Award for Systems and Equipment in 2017: Retrofit Project Track: Systems and Equipment 1. 2. Energy-Saving Retrofit of Facilities in the Museum, Slashing Energy Consumption By 40% Energy-Saving Retrofitting of Heat Source in DHC Seminar 62 (Intermediate) Thermodynamic Limits for Buildings Track: Fundamentals and Applications 1. 2. 3. Thermodynamic Limits for Air-Conditioned Buildings Exergy in Air Conditioning Holistic Analysis of HVAC Systems Using Exergy 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Panel 1 (Intermediate) Integrated Design and Delivery: Spirit of a New World or a Fantasy? Track: Modeling Throughout the Building Life Cycle 1. 2. 3. 4. The Contractor's Perspective The Owner's Perspective The Engineer\Modeler Perspective The Architect's Perspective Conference Paper Session 17 (Intermediate) Radiant Panels and Phase Change Materials Track: Systems and Equipment 1. 2. 3. 4. A Simulation Study on the Performance of Radiant Ceilings Combined with Free-Hanging Horizontal Sound Absorbers Simulation Study of Active Ceilings with Phase Change Material in Office Buildings for Different National Building Regulations Simulation Study of Performance of Active Ceilings with Phase Change Material in Office Buildings under Extreme Climate Conditions The Influence of a Radiant Panel System with Integrated Phase Change Material on Energy Use and Thermal Indoor Environment Wednesday, January 24 Enhancing Heat and Mass Transfer in Absorbers Using Membrane-Constrained Flow and Laminar Mixers Absorbers for Industrial Ammonia Absorption Units Titanium Tubes the "New Normal of Modern Absorption Units" 3. 4. 5. Developments in the Application and Use of Combination Particulate / Chemical Filters for IAQ and Energy Savings Development of a Combinatorial Filter for Removing Both Particle and Organic Vapor in Residential Homes: Approach and Challenges A Combination-Filter for Residential HVAC Filtration A Combination Filter Used in Pollution Control Device: Kitchen Ventilation Particulate and Gas-Phase Residential Filtration Seminar 65 (Intermediate) It's Not Just the Water Heater Anymore Track: Fundamentals and Applications 1. 2. 3. 4. Title 24 Draw Profiles: What They Are and How You Can Use Them Modeling Drainwater Heat Recovery How Low Can You Go? How Close Can You Get? Service Hot Water Systems: A Balancing Act between Legionella Prevention and Scald Prevention Seminar 66 (Intermediate) High Performance Envelopes: From Cold to Net Zero Track: Fundamentals and Applications 1. 2. 3. The Perfect Wall Why Is the Building Envelope so Complicated? DOE Perspective of the Perfect Envelope: Building Science Advisor Seminar 67 (Intermediate) Why ASHRAE Standard 160 is Critical to Designing High Performance Buildings? Track: Standards, Guidelines and Codes 1. 2. 3. 4. Introduction to ASHRAE Standard 160 Update on ASHRAE Standard 160-2016: Changes since 160-2009 Applications of ASHRAE Standard 160 to Various Climate Zones Applications of ASHRAE Standard 160 to Commercial Buildings in both Hot and Humid and Cold Climates 21