11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Conference Paper Session (Intermediate) Consumption, Diversity, and Efficiency of Energy Use in Public Communities and the Demand on District Energy Systems Track: District Energy and Cogeneration Plants 1. Sustainability and Resilience - Examples of Community and Campus Energy Assessments 2. Analysis of Load Diversity in China Residential Districts and its Influence on District HVAC System Design 3. Influence of the Rate of Renovation of the Public Communities on the Efficiency of the District Heating Systems Conference Paper Session (Intermediate) Life Safety System Design Track: Fundamentals and Applications 1. CFD Modeling of Flammable Refrigerant Leaks inside Machine RoomsEmergency Ventilation Rate for Different Size Chillers 2. A New Look at Door Opening Forces in Smoke Control Systems 3. Design Considerations for Modulating Stair Pressurization Systems Seminar (Intermediate) Inverse Design and Modeling for Indoor Environment Track: Research Summit Sponsor: 4.10 - Indoor Environmental Modeling 1. Inverse Indoor Environment Designs by CFD-Based Genetic Algorithm Method 2. Inverse Indoor Environment Designs by CFD-Based Adjoint Method 3. Inverse Indoor Environment Designs by CFD-Based Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Method Seminar (Intermediate) Blade vs. Venturi Laboratory Controls: Proper Application and Testing to Safeguard Your Lab Track: Safeguarding Your HVAC&R System Sponsors: 7.7 - Testing and Balancing, 9.10 - Laboratory Systems 1. Fundamental and Sustainable Strategies Using Venturi-Type Air Valves (VAV Terminals) in Lab Applications 2. Fundamental and Sustainable Strategies Using Blade-Type Air Valves (VAV Terminals) in Lab Applications 3. Blade vs. Venturi Laboratory Controls: Proper Application and Testing to Safeguard Your Lab Panel (Basic) The Cage Match: An Uncommon Approach to Accelerating ASHRAE Standard Development Track: Professional Skills Sponsor: 5.4 - Industrial Process Air Cleaning (Air Pollution Control) Seminar (Intermediate) Selection and Application Considerations of Fans Used in Variable Air Volume Systems Track: HVAC&R Systems and Equipment Sponsors: 5.1 - Fans, 5.9 - Enclosed Vehicular Facilities 1. Selection Considerations for Fans Used in Variable Air Volume Systems 2. Fan Systems: Part-Load Energy Performance and TAB/Commissioning Opportunities Seminar (Advanced) Let's Optimize the Usability of Building Automation Systems Track: HVAC&R Control Freaks Sponsor: 7.6 - Building Energy Performance 1. Let's Optimize Your BAS GUI for Operation and Maintenance Management Savings 2. Standardization and Managing Building Automation for Large Campuses Seminar (Advanced) Industrial HVAC 101 Track: Fundamentals and Applications Sponsor: 1.7 - Business, Management & General Legal Education 1. 12 Industrial HVAC 101 Monday, June 25