High-Performance Building Design Professional (HBDP)
Applying innovative technology to create buildings that are energy-efficient and sustainable is essential for saving money and increasing profitability. Demonstrate your firm’s and your personal commitment to superior building design and performance by employing engineers who have earned ASHRAE’s HBDP certification. The HBDP certification demonstrates a well-rounded understanding and knowledge of how HVAC&R design is integrated into high performance buildings to achieve sustainable design in new and existing buildings. ASHRAE has developed the HBDP certification program with input from the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), Green Building Initiative (GBI), Illuminating Engineering Society (IES), and the Mechanical Contractors Association of America (MCAA). To apply, please go to www.ashrae.org/HBDP and download the Candidate Guidebook and Application.
for Participating in ASHRAE’s
High-Performance Building Design Professional (HBDP)
Certification Program
Effective date: xx/xx/xxxx Effective date: 10/06/2009
Healthcare Facility Design Professional (HFDP)
Growing numbers of aging medical facilities, advances in technology, shifting environmental requirements and an increasingly older population have created a critical need for expansion and renovation of healthcare facilities. The HFDP certification demonstrates an understanding and knowledge of medical terminology and facility operations as they affect HVAC&R design in healthcare facilities. ASHRAE has developed the HFDP certification program in close collaboration with the American Society for Healthcare Engineering (ASHE) of the American Hospital Association (AHA). To apply, please go to www.ashrae.org/HFDP and download the Candidate Guidebook and Application.
for Participating in ASHRAE’s
Healthcare Facility Design Professional (HFDP)
Certification Program
Effective date: xx/xx/xxxx Effective date: 10/06/2009
Operations & Performance Management Professional (OPMP)
Today’s complex buildings can fade from green to gray when building operators don’t realize the full potential of the systems they manage. Staying current with the latest facility operational strategies and technologies can reduce energy use in buildings by 10% to 40%. The OPMP certification demonstrates a well-rounded understanding of how to design and execute an effective building operations and maintenance plan based on optimizing HVAC system performance. ASHRAE has developed the OPMP certification program in collaboration with the Association of Higher Education Facilities Officers (APPA) and the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA). To apply, please go to www.ashrae.org/OPMP and download the Candidate Guidebook and Application.
for Participating in ASHRAE’s
Operations & Performance Management Professional (OPMP)
Certification Program
Effective date: xx/xx/xxxx Effective date: 08/24/2009
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of ASHRAE Publications Catalog - Summer 2011