joy and how they too felt rejuvenated after being in such good company. I trust there are elements of your association membership that bring joy to you or your business. If you can't think of them, I would be very happy to discuss this with you and allow you to explore the many facets of joy within your AWI membership. Hopefully maximizing those benefits will not only impact your business but can add to your personal joy as well. There is so much inherent joy in the beauty and warmth of working with wood. We must not lose sight of this amongst the day-today portions of our lives that we are blessed to be in an industry that naturally brings joy to others. Look for those moments to consume joy and be that person willing to give joy, and you will be blessed in the process! Enjoy the days of Spring, Doug Hague AWI CEO DHAGUE@AWINET.ORG spring 2023 I designsolutions 15