BASF Pest Control Catalog - 10

The Problem
Many PMPs offer comprehensive, general pest control programs that are
serviced monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly, primarily from structure exteriors
where most pest problems originate. The " occasional invaders " behind
these problems include millipedes, centipedes, silverfish, crickets, beetles,
spiders, wasps, and many other pests. Factor in regional pests like cluster
flies, scorpions, and fire ants, and it's clear that occasional invaders hold
significant business and revenue potential. Of course, without the right
combination of products and treatment approaches required to deal with
all of these pests, that revenue potential may never be fully realized. That's
where the BASF occasional invaders control solution comes in.
The Solution
The BASF occasional invaders control solution provides PMPs with a
comprehensive toolbox of products that make optimum use of both
technician time and superior control materials. It gives you the flexibility
to control a broad spectrum of pests with a simple process incorporating
IPM treatments for active conditions, a well thought out preventive
strategy, and the scheduling and efficiency advantages of perimeterbased
The Products
n Fendona
CS controlled release
insecticide and MotherEarth
granular scatter bait1
hold up in harsh
environments and offer residual
control of a broad range of frequently
encountered pests
n Alpine D dust insecticide for
treatments in voids
n Check out Alpine WSG water
soluble granule insecticide for
brown marmorated stink bugs and
kudzu bugs
n PT Fendona pressurized insecticide
and PT Wasp-Freeze II wasp &
hornet insecticide
n Fast-acting RidescoTM
2007, S. Sims and L. Reed, Whitmire Micro-Gen
Research Labs, MO
The Problem
The Products
Flies in and around commercial food areas annoy customers and prompt
the assumption of unsanitary conditions. Flies in poultry and livestock
operations reduce weight gain and productivity of animals, compromise
biosecurity and serve as vectors for Salmonella, E. coli, Cryptosporiduim,
Listeria and more.
The common misconception that fly control can be accomplished easily
by installing an Insect Light Trap has created a tendency to overlook the
importance of a comprehensive fly control program.
Effective, long-term fly control requires an integrated approach that includes
identifying threats, locating breeding sites and access points, and employing
the right environmental, procedural, mechanical, and chemical tactics.
The Solution
The BASF fly control solution is designed to help you create a
comprehensive, on-going fly control program that addresses flies at
their source and provides immediate relief from adult flies. The remedial
actions and preventive components of this two-pronged fly management
program help your customers better understand and appreciate the
value of the service you are providing.
10 BASF Professional & Specialty Solutions
n PT Alpine pressurized fly bait is a
ready-to-use fly bait spray with quick
n Alpine WSG water soluble granule
insecticide is non-repellent and
labeled for surface applications and
broadcast treatments; indoors and
n Bio-5 drain cleaner by BASF
biological action breaks down organic
matter where flies breed
n 960 fruit fly monitor attracts and
captures pesky fruit flies and aids in
monitoring population levels
n PT 565 Plus XLO pressurized
contact insecticide and PT P.I.
pressurized contact insecticide for
food-handling areas
n Fast-acting Ridesco WG insecticide
is also labeled for food-handling
areas and interiors and is an effective
perimeter treatment for filth flies
n PT Fendona pressurized insecticide
offers quick knockdown and pinpoint
Pest Solutions

BASF Pest Control Catalog

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of BASF Pest Control Catalog

Table of Contents
BASF Pest Control Catalog - Cover1
BASF Pest Control Catalog - Cover2
BASF Pest Control Catalog - Table of Contents
BASF Pest Control Catalog - 4
BASF Pest Control Catalog - 5
BASF Pest Control Catalog - 6
BASF Pest Control Catalog - 7
BASF Pest Control Catalog - 8
BASF Pest Control Catalog - 9
BASF Pest Control Catalog - 10
BASF Pest Control Catalog - 11
BASF Pest Control Catalog - 12
BASF Pest Control Catalog - 13
BASF Pest Control Catalog - 14
BASF Pest Control Catalog - 15
BASF Pest Control Catalog - 16
BASF Pest Control Catalog - 17
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BASF Pest Control Catalog - 20
BASF Pest Control Catalog - 21
BASF Pest Control Catalog - 22
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BASF Pest Control Catalog - Cover3
BASF Pest Control Catalog - Cover4