CoV2Research - May2020 - 25

Non-Specific Binding Control 2D WB,
Figures 4-6
CHO Silver Stain versus 2D WB Non-Specifically
Detected by Goat Anti-E. coli HCP Antibody:

Figure 4 is a silver stain (LF 845 #4) of CHO
HCPs. A total of 1191 spots were detected by
silver stain.


Figure 5 is the combined 2D WB images (LF
845 #7, 3 minute and 15 minute exposures)
of the 2D WB of the commercial CHO harvest
material detected by the Cygnus Technologies
goat anti-E. coli HCP antibody.


Figure 6 is an overlay of the silver stained
gel (LF 845 #4) and the total spots from the
combined 2D WB images (LF 845 #7, 3 minute
and 15 minute exposures). A total 571 CHO
spots were detected by 2D WB with the nonspecific E. coli antibody for a total non-specific
binding of 48% (571/1191).

Figure 5. All spot numbering for 2D WB film image of Goat antiE. coli antibody against affinity-stripped CHO HCP (LF 845 #7).

Figure 6. Image of affinity-stripped CHO HCP silver-stained gel
(LF 845 #4-5) showing Goat anti-E. coli antibody 2D WB (LF 845
#7) matches. Spots present on the silverstained gel but missing
from the 2D WB are outlined in red. Spots present in both the
silver-stained gel and the 2D WB are outlined in blue. Spots detected with the antibody but not detectable by silver staining
are indicated with small blue dots on the silver-stained gel and
added to the total spot number. The Goat anti- E. coli antibody
detected 571 spots out of 1191 spots (48%).

Figure 4. All spot numbering for silver-stained gel image of
CHO HCPs (LF 845 #4). Spots detected with the antibody but
not detectable by silver staining are indicated with small
dots on the silver-stained gel.



CoV2Research - May2020

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of CoV2Research - May2020

CoV2Research - May2020 - 1
CoV2Research - May2020 - Contents
CoV2Research - May2020 - 3
CoV2Research - May2020 - 4
CoV2Research - May2020 - 5
CoV2Research - May2020 - 6
CoV2Research - May2020 - 7
CoV2Research - May2020 - 8
CoV2Research - May2020 - 9
CoV2Research - May2020 - 10
CoV2Research - May2020 - 11
CoV2Research - May2020 - 12
CoV2Research - May2020 - 13
CoV2Research - May2020 - 14
CoV2Research - May2020 - 15
CoV2Research - May2020 - 16
CoV2Research - May2020 - 17
CoV2Research - May2020 - 18
CoV2Research - May2020 - 19
CoV2Research - May2020 - 20
CoV2Research - May2020 - 21
CoV2Research - May2020 - 22
CoV2Research - May2020 - 23
CoV2Research - May2020 - 24
CoV2Research - May2020 - 25
CoV2Research - May2020 - 26
CoV2Research - May2020 - 27
CoV2Research - May2020 - 28
CoV2Research - May2020 - 29
CoV2Research - May2020 - 30
CoV2Research - May2020 - 31
CoV2Research - May2020 - 32
CoV2Research - May2020 - 33
CoV2Research - May2020 - 34
CoV2Research - May2020 - 35
CoV2Research - May2020 - 36
CoV2Research - May2020 - 37
CoV2Research - May2020 - 38
CoV2Research - May2020 - 39
CoV2Research - May2020 - 40
CoV2Research - May2020 - 41
CoV2Research - May2020 - 42
CoV2Research - May2020 - 43
CoV2Research - May2020 - 44
CoV2Research - May2020 - 45
CoV2Research - May2020 - 46
CoV2Research - May2020 - 47