CoV2Research - May2020 - 36

Ultra-Sensitive and Specific
Detection of SARS-CoV-2
Antibodies Using the ADAP
STAR Assay Ready Workstation
The new method is a pure solution-phase assay, is well suited to detecting conformationally challenging antibodies, and requires little
input sample volume.
Donna Karp, Dee Cuda, Devangkumar Tandel, Kenneth Danh, David Seftel,
Peter V. Robinson, Ph.D., Cheng-T. Tsai, Ph.D., Kevin W.P. Miller, Ph.D.
around the world. In the battle against this rapidly
expanding pandemic, successful COVID-19 community screening programs are essential for assessing
infection prevalence, aiding identification of infected patients, and enacting appropriate treatment
and quarantine protocols.

Benefits-Based Highlights

Enable sample-sparing analysis of precious samples.


Achieve sensitive and specific antibody
detection results.


Eliminate time-consuming and repetitive
manual pipetting.


Reduce or eliminate risks of human error and
variability to ensure consistency and quality of
downstream results.

When initially screening for COVID-19 infections, many
assay chemistries used Reverse Transcriptase PCR (RTPCR) methods to detect live virus. This live virus method, however, has serious limitations that the healthcare
community cannot ignore. RNA testing has high false
negative rates with naso/oropharyngeal swab samples (30%-75% sensitivity during the first two weeks
of infection) due to inconsistent swab technique or
low viral titers in the sampled body compartments.1
If an individual receives false negative results, they
may relax quarantine precautions and unintentionally

As of April 16, 2020, there were more than two million confirmed infections of SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19),



CoV2Research - May2020

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of CoV2Research - May2020

CoV2Research - May2020 - 1
CoV2Research - May2020 - Contents
CoV2Research - May2020 - 3
CoV2Research - May2020 - 4
CoV2Research - May2020 - 5
CoV2Research - May2020 - 6
CoV2Research - May2020 - 7
CoV2Research - May2020 - 8
CoV2Research - May2020 - 9
CoV2Research - May2020 - 10
CoV2Research - May2020 - 11
CoV2Research - May2020 - 12
CoV2Research - May2020 - 13
CoV2Research - May2020 - 14
CoV2Research - May2020 - 15
CoV2Research - May2020 - 16
CoV2Research - May2020 - 17
CoV2Research - May2020 - 18
CoV2Research - May2020 - 19
CoV2Research - May2020 - 20
CoV2Research - May2020 - 21
CoV2Research - May2020 - 22
CoV2Research - May2020 - 23
CoV2Research - May2020 - 24
CoV2Research - May2020 - 25
CoV2Research - May2020 - 26
CoV2Research - May2020 - 27
CoV2Research - May2020 - 28
CoV2Research - May2020 - 29
CoV2Research - May2020 - 30
CoV2Research - May2020 - 31
CoV2Research - May2020 - 32
CoV2Research - May2020 - 33
CoV2Research - May2020 - 34
CoV2Research - May2020 - 35
CoV2Research - May2020 - 36
CoV2Research - May2020 - 37
CoV2Research - May2020 - 38
CoV2Research - May2020 - 39
CoV2Research - May2020 - 40
CoV2Research - May2020 - 41
CoV2Research - May2020 - 42
CoV2Research - May2020 - 43
CoV2Research - May2020 - 44
CoV2Research - May2020 - 45
CoV2Research - May2020 - 46
CoV2Research - May2020 - 47