Power of Vacation - Issue 2, 2020 - 40
At Bluegreen Vacations, we care about our Owners
and go to great lengths to provide outstanding service.
We are always here to provide information, guidance
and answer any questions you may have about your
ownership. Part of the support we offer is to ensure you're
aware of all aspects of vacation ownership, including
awareness of the actions of so-called timeshare
" relief " or " exit " companies.
ask for a fee upfront but may never deliver on
exit company American Resource Management
the service in hopes that an owner will release
Group LLC (doing business as Resort Release)
their vacation ownership to them or that the
and law firm Totten Franqui Davis & Burk LLC.
ownership will be terminated or foreclosed on
A Florida court permanently prohibited the
due to the non-payment of maintenance fees
owners of Resort Release from advertising,
or mortgage obligations. They also typically
marketing, or selling a service or ability to cancel
instruct the vacation ownership company to
a timeshare contract or the timeshare owner's
stop communicating directly with the owner. In
financial obligations. In the federal court's order,
companies have amped up their advertising to
this way, the relief company tries to take " credit "
it was found that customers of Resort Release
an unprecedented degree in hopes of preying
for the cancellation of the ownership, when in
were encouraged to stop making payments
on owners who may be experiencing financial
fact the cancellation was solely a consequence
associated with their timeshares, and also that
distress with promises of releasing them from
of the failure to fulfill financial obligations
these exit companies would claim that they
their contractual obligations.
associated with the vacation ownership. Often,
had successfully cancelled the timeshare when
the exit company fails to inform the owner of
they had only brought about foreclosure or
the negative financial consequences of the
termination of the timeshare ownership. And
termination or foreclosure, including possible
while these entities made a 100% money back
negative credit reporting.
guarantee in their advertisements, none of them
During the COVID-19 outbreak, these
These relief or exit companies are often set up to
generate money without providing a legitimate
service. These third-party companies will contact
vacation owners directly-often unsolicited-
created or funded reserve accounts to assure
and offer to eliminate their maintenance fees
These companies have been the focus of
or other financial obligations, eliminate their
lawsuits around the country. Here are some
timeshare commitment entirely or transfer their
recent examples:
On February 6, 2020, the Washington State
paid-in-full ownership. To do so, they will often
Bluegreen Vacations successfully sued timeshare
Attorney General's office announced it filed
nov | 2 0 2 0
funds were available to pay those guarantees.
Power of Vacation - Issue 2, 2020
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Power of Vacation - Issue 2, 2020
Power of Vacation - Issue 2, 2020 - Cover1
Power of Vacation - Issue 2, 2020 - Cover2
Power of Vacation - Issue 2, 2020 - 1
Power of Vacation - Issue 2, 2020 - Contents
Power of Vacation - Issue 2, 2020 - 3
Power of Vacation - Issue 2, 2020 - 4
Power of Vacation - Issue 2, 2020 - 5
Power of Vacation - Issue 2, 2020 - 6
Power of Vacation - Issue 2, 2020 - 7
Power of Vacation - Issue 2, 2020 - 8
Power of Vacation - Issue 2, 2020 - 9
Power of Vacation - Issue 2, 2020 - 10
Power of Vacation - Issue 2, 2020 - 11
Power of Vacation - Issue 2, 2020 - 12
Power of Vacation - Issue 2, 2020 - 13
Power of Vacation - Issue 2, 2020 - 14
Power of Vacation - Issue 2, 2020 - 15
Power of Vacation - Issue 2, 2020 - 16
Power of Vacation - Issue 2, 2020 - 17
Power of Vacation - Issue 2, 2020 - 18
Power of Vacation - Issue 2, 2020 - 19
Power of Vacation - Issue 2, 2020 - 20
Power of Vacation - Issue 2, 2020 - 21
Power of Vacation - Issue 2, 2020 - 22
Power of Vacation - Issue 2, 2020 - 23
Power of Vacation - Issue 2, 2020 - 24
Power of Vacation - Issue 2, 2020 - 25
Power of Vacation - Issue 2, 2020 - 26
Power of Vacation - Issue 2, 2020 - 27
Power of Vacation - Issue 2, 2020 - 28
Power of Vacation - Issue 2, 2020 - 29
Power of Vacation - Issue 2, 2020 - 30
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Power of Vacation - Issue 2, 2020 - Cover3
Power of Vacation - Issue 2, 2020 - Cover4