Perspectives - January/February 2014 - (Page 24)

reading ahead What's Keeping You From Moving Forward? The Sticking Point Solution Jay Abrahams What have you recently read that inspired you to look differently at the way you're doing business? NAILBA welcomes your recommendations for books or blogs that you find helpful in shaping the way you do business. Contact Rachel Marineau, NAILBA's Manager of Meetings Is there anything worse than being stuck? Unable to move, budge, or get out of a rut? In his book, The Sticking Point Solution, author Jay Abrahams offers several reasons why some businesses stall and then provides solutions to nine different sticking points for those looking to get their business moving again. In the introduction, Abrahams identifies a few primary reasons businesses get stuck such as neglecting to incorporate growth thinking into all aspects of the business and lacking a detailed strategic plan with specific growth expectations complete with specific goals. As he shows the reader how to overcome the obstacles, he calls out specific "sticking points," where businesses, if they're not careful, can lose traction: losing business to the competition, not taking advantage of joint venture opportunities, and more. Ideal for the busy professional, Abrahams' book is an easy read especially because it allows you to jump to a particular section that is most relevant to your business at that point in time without having to rely on previous chapters. And, each chapter is loaded with proven strategies, techniques and methods you can adapt to the needs and requirements of your own business along with an immediate action step. He not only gives you a list of things to do, but he makes sure you realize the first thing you should do. While some of the advice may seem rather commonsense, Abrahams reminds you that unless you're actively implementing any given strategy, you won't see the desired results. The Sticking Point Solution is an essential read for any business professional. & Education, at 703.383.3069 or and share your reading list. 24 perspectives JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2013 Managing in a Time of Great Change Peter F. Drucker In this outstanding compilation of essays, Peter F. Drucker delivers superior advice on how leaders in the business world should adjust to the ebb and flow of major challenges. And for the experienced manager, some of his wisdom may be quite familiar. Each of the essays that comprise Managing in a Time of Great Change originally appeared in the Harvard Business Review. As Drucker explains in the Preface: "All of the pieces-two interviews [of Drucker], one at the beginning and one at the end, and the twenty-five chapters in between, have one common theme, despite their apparent diversity. They all deal with changes that have already irreversibly happened. They therefore deal with changes on which executives can-indeed must-take action. None of the pieces in this book attempt to predict the future. All deal with what executives can do-have to do-to make the future. It is not so very difficult to predict the future. It is only pointless...actions in the present are also the one and only way to make the future. Executives are paid to execute-that is, to take effective action. That they can only do in contemplation of the present, and by exploiting the changes that have already enable today's executives to be ahead of this different tomorrow-indeed to make it their tomorrow-is the aim of the book." In other articles, Drucker focuses on critical challenges to one's business such as: planning for uncertainty, managing the family business, creating an appropriate team, why measuring is more important than counting, coping with a major power shift within the U.S. economy, why nonprofits must be strengthened, and balancing what Drucker refers to as "knowledge work" with gender roles, just to name a few. Of particular interest to BGAs getting ready to transition ownership is management of the family business. One of Drucker's recommendations is that at least one senior executive should be from outside; that the decision on succession should be entrusted to an outsider who is neither part of the family nor part of the business. Search out a copy today and discover the five deadly sins Drucker lists in any business. A book to read for full managerial and corporate trends, it's a must have in your professional library!

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Perspectives - January/February 2014

NAILBA Perspectives - January/February 2014
Chairman’s Corner
CEO Insights What’s New at NAILBA?
The New HIPAA Information Requirements
NAILBA 32 Highlights
Reading Ahead
In Vogue: Life, LTC & Annuity Product Trends
NAILBA Charitable Foundation What a Great Year it Was!
Member Profiles
Agency Successor Networking Group
The Power of LIFE Behind You
Agency Resources
Legislative Update
Index of Advertisers
Calendar of Events

Perspectives - January/February 2014