NAILBA Perspectives - March/April 2015 - (Page 26)

XXX nailba's agency successor networking group Goals for Success A Have you been identified as the next sitting principal of your agency? The ASNG Planning Team works diligently to reach out to others in the industry who have transition experience and are willing to share what they learned in the process. Contact Rachel Marineau, NAILBA's Manager of Meetings and Education, at 703.383.3069 or for more information on the Agency Successor Networking Group (ASNG). 26 perspectives MARCH/APRIL 2015 t the beginning of the year the members of NAILBA's Agency Successor Networking Group looked toward setting professional goals and tackling challenges in the new year. As rising principals and owners of agencies they need to understand the areas that pose concern. Where is there possibility for growth? What are the issues that keep everyone awake at night? Staying on top of trends in technology can be a job in itself. There are countless areas to consider. What is the latest app that helps you do your job more quickly? How do you correctly position your business on social media to market your services? From getting the most out mobile devices to social media the possibilities never end. The group plans to engage the services of one or two different professionals to uncover the prospects available to them beyond well known sites such as LinkedIn. What social media site is most advantageous with which to align your agency and how do you establish a credible presence? How often should an agency be posting in order to stay visible without becoming intrusive or even worse obnoxious? Putting the responses to such questions in practice can help the agency gain prominence with the next generation and bring in additional revenue. Many of us kick off the year by setting personal and professional goals for the months and even years ahead. In January the group convened via teleconference to discuss goal setting and other favorite motivational tools. There are several who appreciate the styles of particular inspirational speakers such as Tony Robbins or books that help a person capitalize the positive. Some harness the power of programs to document and keep track of goals within their agency. Buy-in and accountability can be the most powerful motivators for staff. It helps create a sense of unity across departments to know how each individual's role is tied into the business's goal for the year. This fosters a great sense of ownership and pride in people's everyday tasks that can seem rote after a long period of time. Organizational goal setting is not just important for employee productivity but for that of the company as well. When a business can balance both revenue and profit, it's a tremendous gain and helps sustain an agency in months that tend to be leaner. As the ASNG looks to set goals and expand their horizons in technology, one of the key components will be that of mentorship. An additional benefit of active membership within the Agency Successor Net- working Group will be pairing individual members with another agency principal who has traversed the succession path within their own career. Based on feedback received from members, mentors will be selected to provide assistance and encouragement as they develop their skill set. NAILBA is actively encouraging the enrollment of new members to the Agency Successor Networking Group (ASNG). The goal of this networking group is to provide leadership, management, and skill training to ensure the success of these new agency leaders, while allowing them to build a network and support group of other new leaders to help them grow their agencies in the years to come. Would you benefit from becoming a contributing member of this group? Visit the NAILBA website for the application and details.

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of NAILBA Perspectives - March/April 2015

NAILBA Perspectives - March/April 2015
Chairman’s Corner
CEO Insights
State of the Industry Panel
NAILBA Charitable Foundation
Life Happens
Member Profiles
Agency Successor Networking Group
Reading Ahead
Calendar of Events
Index of Advertisers

NAILBA Perspectives - March/April 2015