NAILBA Perspectives - November/December 2015 - (Page 18)
member profiles
The National Benefit Corp
John T. Gilbert
Based in Des Moines, Iowa,
The National Benefit Corp
has been a NAILBA member
since 1993. John T. Gilbert,
Vice President of Business
Development, provided input
for this article.
About the Agency
The National Benefit Corp (TNBC) is
an insurance marketing organization
focused on providBud Kirke
ing first-class service and building long-term relationships with financial services
professionals. The agency was
founded in 1977 by the late Bernard
M. (Bud) Kirke, CLU (1924-2004). An
Army Air Corps veteran and Drake
University graduate, Bud served the
life insurance industry for more than
50 years. During his career, he
earned numerous awards, including
the prestigious Mooers Award,
which he received from NAILBA
posthumously in 2004.
Although TNBC started off as a
grass roots agency, it quickly grew
into a leading life and annuity brokerage organization. In the mid
1980s, TNBC made the leap to serving institutional clients in addition to insurance producers. This
was a transformational moment for
the agency as there were not many
BGAs focused on institutional business at the time. Since then, institutional business has remained a
major focus for the agency.
TNBC has grown from a couple
of employees back in the 1970s
to more than 30 employees today.
Although TNBC has moved locations several times, the agency
is still based in Des Moines and
remains family owned and operated. Bud's son Thomas Kirke, CLU,
is currently a principal along with
Thomas Gilbert, CLU. Thanks to
Bud's leadership and vision for the
agency's future, TNBC continues to
thrive today.
18 perspectives NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2015
What makes your
agency unique?
First of all, we remain focused on
working with institutional clients.
TNBC has been focused on the independent broker dealer marketplace
and institutional market place for 30
years. This focus allows TNBC to be a
part of the complete financial planning process and it helps to minimize
the transactional part of the business. Secondly, we've placed tremendous importance on developing technology platforms for our producers to
use. For example, we offer a customized insurance CRM to help producers
manage their book of business. We
also built a homegrown agency management system that helps us provide an enhanced level of service to
our producers. Our agency management system is expressly designed
for the type of business we do: it's
built to run a BGA, so we're not taking
some off-the-shelf management system and trying to fit it into the insurance business. We built this system
from the ground up, and it's designed
for life insurance, annuities, DI, long
term care, case management, licensing, and commissions and the way
all those pieces fit together. We feel
that's an advantage. When we want to
make a change or update our agency
management system, we do it internally. We don't have to go to an external company and wait in line to have
something customized for our CRM.
This custom-built system gives us
real-time and enhanced service levels
for our producers. Lastly, our agency is
unique because we're focused on the
human aspect of the business. There
is no phone tree here; we still have
a live receptionist. We strive to make
sure every producer who calls us gets
to talk to a live human being who can
address their current concern or problem. That's extremely important to
us. Our staff at TNBC also offers a ton
of experience and a wealth of knowledge, which we think is a differentiator from some of our competitors.
Where do you see your
organization in the next
5 to 10 or even 20 years?
I think we will continue to find the
balance between introducing our producers to technological innovations
that will help them streamline their
business while remaining focused on
the human element of the business.
We believe our business will always
be one that requires human interaction. I don't think we'll ever get to the
point where our producers will be able
to do everything electronically, especially when it comes to the area of life
insurance. People say life insurance
has to be sold not bought. You have
to create that need and desire for the
client to want to help their family, so
we'll strike a balance and focus on
developing tools our producers find
valuable while keeping a human presence here for them to interact with.
We will continue to develop the relationships we've worked so hard to
build over the years.
How does being a NAILBA
member benefit you and
your business?
First and foremost, it's really important for all of us associated in this
business to have a unified voice. I
think NAILBA provides that in their
own efforts and certainly with the
recent joining of forces with AALU as
it pertains to lobbying. Some of the
products we sell are being closely
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of NAILBA Perspectives - November/December 2015
NAILBA Perspectives - November/December 2015
Chairman’s Corner
CEO Insights
A Conversation with Robert O’Neill
NAILBA Charitable Foundation
Member Profiles
Agency Successor Networking Group
Life Happens
NAILBA 34 Program Preview
Evaluating Your Carrier Relationships
Calendar of Events
Index of Advertisers
NAILBA Perspectives - November/December 2015