A trade fair built for business. Step into a gallery of inventive design elements for hospitality interiors, offering convenient, exhibit-floor bistros with fast, elevated lunch options and exquisite Designed Spaces where you can meet up with clients or manufacturers and do business on the spot. Each Designed Space is created by a leading design firm/team using a mix of exhibitor/sponsor products-always with jaw-dropping results. Register now and take advantage of a unique opportunity to engage more deeply and get more done. 2 0 1 9 D E S I G N E D S PAC E S C R E AT E D B Y : DUNCAN MILLER ULLMANN MARRIOTT GLOBALDESIGN MARRIOTT GLOBALDESIGNAMERICAS STUDIO 11 DESIGN S T U D I O PA R T N E R S H I P W I L S O N A S S O C I AT E S LEARN MORE + REGISTER @ BoutiqueDesignWest.comhttp://www.BoutiqueDesignWest.com