WIRE MESH TRAY SWEEPS SWK & EZ BN 1/4 / CE 25 / ED 275 A 1 B * Sweeps can be formed easily on site by cutting some of the side and bottom wires. Use the SWK method to secure desired curve. * Always place bolt heads to inside of tray to prevent frayed wires. * Use bolt cutters to fabricate this part from ED275. x2 2" (50 mm) 2 x3 7.5" 190 mm x4 CE 25 x2 R x2 x2 x4 EZ BN 1/4 5.5" 140 mm x1 ED 275* See pgs. A.20, A.55 4" (100 mm) x3 x3 12.6" 320 mm x2 CE 25 x1 ED 275* x3 x3 x3 6" (150 mm) x3 x2 EZ BN 1/4 8.7" 220 mm R See pgs. A.20, A.55 x3 17.7" 450 mm x2 EZ BN 1/4 x2 CE 25 x1 ED 275* x3 11.8" 300 mm INSTALLATIONS x3 x3 8" (200 mm) See pgs. A.20, A.55 R x2 17.7" 450 mm x1 SWK x2 EZ BN 1/4 x2 CE 25 x4 R A.74 x4 x4 WWW.LEGRAND.US/CABLOFIL x4 9.8" 250 mm x1 ED 275* See pgs. A.17, A.20, A.55http://WWW.LEGRAND.US/CABLOFIL