PW LADDER TRAY STANDARD RUNGS M G BH MECHANICAL PROPERTIES THICKNESS = 0.060" MOMENT OF INERTIA: IX = 0.0227 IN4 SECTION MODULUS: SX = 0.0414 IN3 SOLID 1 n 2 n 1 n 2 n 1 n 2 n 1 n 2 n 6 1.00" 9 x x 12 0.97" 18 0.28" LOAD TYPE RUNG TYPE RUNG SPACING This is the standard rung for all flange-out steel ladders and all flange-in, NEMA Class 20A, 20B, and 20C, hot-dipped galvanized steel ladders 30" and 36" wide. Please contact Legrand for catalog numbers if this rung is desired for other tray systems. 0.28" 6 BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX 9 BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX 12 BX BX BX BX BX BX BX BX SAFE LOAD LIMITS (LBS/FT) TRAY WIDTH (IN.) 18 24 30 BX BX 816 BX BX 388 BX BX 544 BX BX 259 BX BX 408 BX BX 194 BX BX 272 BX BX 129 36 680 190 453 127 340 95 227 63 42 583 49 389 33 291 24 194 16 48 510 36 1022 733 681 489 511 366 341 244 42 876 514 584 343 438 257 292 171 48 766 350 511 233 383 175 255 117 3 n 340 3 n 255 3 n 170 3 n UPGRADE RUNG RUNG TYPE SU MECHANICAL PROPERTIES THICKNESS = 0.120" MOMENT OF INERTIA: IX = 0.0531 IN4 SECTION MODULUS: SX = 0.0921 IN3 SLOTTED†RUNG SPACING 6 1.63" 9 x x 1.00" 12* 18 0.38" ONLY: Allowable uniformlydistributed cable load expressed in lbs/linear foot of tray length, based on the load carrying capability of the rung with a safety factor of 1.5. To convert Safe Load/Cable Load Only to reflect a safety factor of 2.0, multiply the safe loads shown by 0.75. 2 SAFE LOAD / CABLE LOAD n +200 LBS: Allowable uniformlydistributed cable load expressed in lbs/linear foot of tray length, based on the load carrying capability of the rung with a 200 lb. concentrated static load applied at the center of the rung, without collapse. * Single rung load capacity: The data shown for 12" rung spacing is equivalent to the load capacity of the single rung. For detailed material and finish descriptions, see page B.6. n 2 n 1 n 2 n 1 n 2 n 1 n 2 n 1 6 3999 3999 3999 3999 3066 3066 2044 2044 9 3999 3999 2725 2725 2044 2044 1363 1363 12 3066 3066 2044 2044 1533 1533 1022 1022 SAFE LOAD LIMITS (LBS/FT) TRAY WIDTH (IN.) 18 24 30 2044 1533 1226 2044 1499 1040 1363 1022 818 1363 1000 693 1022 766 613 1022 750 520 681 511 409 681 500 347 METALLIC RUNG SPECIFICATIONS 1 SAFE LOAD/CABLE LOAD n 0.38" LOAD TYPE This is the upgrade slotted rung for all steel ladder cable trays. SU rungs are installed alternating slot up and slot down. 3 Will not support a 200 lb. n concentrated static load applied at the center of the rung. [XX] Two digit code in the safe load limit tables indicates recommended rung option for specified width. †Slotted rungs are installed alternating slot up and slot down. WWW.LEGRAND.US/CABLOFIL B.57http://WWW.LEGRAND.US/CABLOFIL