FASTENERS CPPE/CPSE CABLOPORT EXTENSION SERIES WITH FAS P OR CHANNEL SUPPORT * * * * * * * Height adjustable. For support of cable pathways with varying heights. Base includes two (2) 1/2" Electrozinc threaded rod risers and FAS Profile or channel. Supports are available in one standard finish and two optional finishes. Install on any roofing material. Maximum load 150 lbs. Provides 5 times the surface area to minimize roof material pressure, increase load capacity and provide over 120 square in/ft for glue application. CPSE PG GC INCHES MM INCHES MM INCHES MM LBS KG STANDARD FINISH OPTIONAL CPPE10-88 8.0 200 8.0 200 9.6 240 6.2 2.8 943 565 943 589 CPPE20-818 8.0 200 18.0 450 19.5 500 9.3 5.4 943 567 943 591 8.0 200 24.0 600 22.0 550 13.6 6.2 943 568 943 592 12.0 300 8.0 200 9.6 240 6.5 2.9 943 569 943 593 CPPE20-1218 12.0 300 18.0 450 19.5 500 9.9 5.5 943 571 943 595 CPPE20-1224 12.0 300 24.0 600 19.5 500 9.9 5.8 943 572 943 596 CPSE10-810 8.0 200 10.0 250 9.6 240 6.2 2.8 943 601 943 625 CPSE20-822 8.0 200 22.0 550 19.5 500 9.9 5.5 943 603 943 627 8.0 200 28.0 710 28.8 730 19.4 8.8 943 604 943 628 CPSE10-1210 12.0 300 10.0 250 9.6 240 6.5 2.9 943 605 943 629 CPSE30-1228 12.0 300 28.0 710 28.8 730 19.6 8.9 943 608 943 632 SUPPORT CPPE20-824 CPPE10-128 CPSE30-828 HEIGHT FAS P STRUT SUPPORT LENGTH BASE LENGTH WEIGHT - Contact manufacturer for availability. CPSME CABLOPORT MEDIUM LOAD SERIES WITH CHANNEL SUPPORT * * * * * * Ideal for mounting medium load elevated cable pathways. Base includes two channel risers and channel crossbar. Install on any roofing material or other flat surfaces. Supports are available in one standard finish and two optional finishes. Channel can be used to support wire mesh tray (secure with FS41 (SS) Spring Clips). Maximum load 150/500 lbs. CABLOPORT CPSME1020 SUPPORT CPSME1020 CPSME1620 CPSME1030 CPSME1630 D.34 STRUT HEIGHT SUPPORT LENGTH BASE LENGTH WEIGHT PG GC 304L INCHES MM INCHES MM INCHES MM LBS KG STANDARD FINISH 10.0 250 20.0 500 10.0 250 14.2 6.4 943 669 943 677 - 16.0 400 20.0 500 10.0 250 15.6 7.1 943 670 943 678 - 10.0 250 30.0 750 19.5 500 39.6 17.9 943 671 943 679 - 16.0 400 30.0 750 19.5 500 40.1 18.1 943 672 943 680 - - Contact manufacturer for availability. WWW.LEGRAND.US/CABLOFIL OPTIONAL FINISHEShttp://WWW.LEGRAND.US/CABLOFIL