W el com e to the l atest versi on ofCabl ofi l ® catal og. Thi si s yourmostup-to-date resource f orCabl of i lproduct i nf ormati on. In an ef f ortto provi de you wi th the l atesti nf ormati on on Cabl of i l products,we' ve updated thi s onl i ne versi on ofourcatal og si nce the l astcatal og pri nti ng.Thi s update i ncl udes i nf ormati on on al l the new products thathave been rel eased si nce thatpri nti ng. Ifyou have downl oaded an earl i erversi on ofthi s catal og to your desktop,pl ease be sure to repl ace i twi th thi s versi on.Ifyou al so use the i Pad orAndroi d app versi ons ofthi s catal og,you wi l l automati cal l y be al erted thatan update (whi ch i ncl udes thi s versi on ofthe catal og) i s now avai l abl e. As al ways,thanks f oryourconti nued supportofLegrand® products Cl i ck here to watch ourtutori alvi deo and l earn more aboutal lthe ti me-savi ng f eatures i ncl uded i n the NXTBook onl i ne and APP versi ons ofthi s catal og.https://www.nxtbook.com/nxtbooks/cablofillegrand/tutorial/index.php