As Jack Welch said
"Before you are a leader,
success is all about
growing yourself. When
you become a leader,
success is all about
growing others."
Leadership style:
I try to move between
being a visionary and
setting the pace to a
collaborative style that
emphasizes teamwork
and coaching.
something most people
don't know about you:
I have a private and
commercial pilot's license.
When I was young, I dreamed
of being a pilot.
The patients and families who are so
courageous in facing various conditions
and the compassionate physicians and
staff who support them.
Favorite book:
The biography of
Winston Churchill
by Martin Gilbert.
I admire Churchill's
incredible leadership
that saved a country
and perhaps the world.
Most treasured possession:
I would say, "What is my most
treasured relationship?" That is with
my wife and family.
BoaRd MeMBeR Q&a
Meet Chris
Association Board Member Chris Dawes
has served for more than 15 years on the
board, including a term as past chairman.
He joined Lucille Packard Children's
Hospital Stanford in Palo Alto, Calif., in
1991. Today, he is president and CEO of the
hospital and Stanford Children's Health.
children's hospital s today Summer 2014
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Children's Hospitals Today - Summer 2014