The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2021 - 29
simple, easy to complete, and
doesn't go into lots of detail. I
let the client provide as much
or as little information as
they feel comfortable in the
" How can I help you? " field.
Ask for initial
information only
and leave the lengthier
conversation for your
follow-up message. A
contact form allows you to
gather pertinent information
about your client. But again,
your form should be easy to
complete. A no-brainer.
Once you have an idea
of the potential project or
Figure 2
Sample Website Contact Form
assignment your client has
in mind, you can follow up
easier process for the client
working! This very simple
Europe offer their WhatsApp
by sharing a little about your
and for you!
question can help you plan
number because the app tends
your marketing strategy for
to be so widely used there and
years to come.
many people feel comfortable
services and experience, as
Of course, you can include
well as your availability. At the
as many or as few questions
same time, you can request
as you like, as well as a
additional information from
place for clients to upload
the client that you'll need to
documents. I personally don't
either prepare a proposal or
use the document upload
decline the project if it doesn't
option because I don't want
seem like a good fit.
sensitive files to be sent
Or, if you really want to
through my website contact
make an impression, you can
form, especially with current
offer to schedule a discovery
privacy laws. But this is a
call to see if what you provide
decision that you should
fits what they're looking for.
make for your own business.
Include a link to your open
One item I always tell fellow
appointments by using a
translators and interpreters to
service like Calendly or Acuity.
add to their contact form as a
This shows the client that
required piece of information
you're a serious professional
is something like " How did
while giving you additional
you hear about my services? "
time to do some research
about their organization or
background before you meet.
Make it work for you!
Be sure to include a
This helps you easily track
where your new clients come
from. Did they find you
through a referral? Did they
come across your website after
conducting an online search?
section on your form that
Did they find your name in
clients can complete with
a professional directory?
more information about the
These are all possible options
project up front. This can
when searching for service
help reduce some of the
providers, and it's important
back-and-forth email later.
to know how clients find you
Again, fewer steps equal an
so you build upon what's
Finally, I think it's
communicating this way.
important to meet clients
Whatever contact methods
where they are. If you know
you decide to utilize on your
your clients prefer to talk over
website, make sure one of
the phone than via email, then
them is a contact form. The
include your phone number
easier it is for potential clients
on the contact page. I've even
to reach out to you, the more
seen some translators in
likely it is they will!
Madalena Sánchez Zampaulo, CT is
ATA president-elect and chairs the Governance
and Communications Committee. She is the
owner of Accessible Translation Solutions
and a Spanish>English and ATA-certified
Portuguese>English translator. She served as chair of ATA's
Membership Committee (2018-2020), Public Relations Committee
(2014-2018), and administrator of ATA's Medical Division (2011-
2015). She has a BA in Spanish from the University of Southern
Mississippi and an MA in Spanish from the University of Louisville.
She is also a consultant for the University of Louisville Graduate
Certificate in Translation. You can read more of her articles on
her blog at
" Business Practices " will alternate in this space with " The Entrepreneurial
Linguist. " This column is not intended to constitute legal, financial, or
other business advice. Each individual or company should make its own
independent business decisions and consult its own legal, financial,
or other advisors as appropriate. The views expressed here are not
necessarily those of ATA or its Board of Directors.
American Translators Association
The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2021
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2021
The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2021 - 1
The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2021 - 2
The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2021 - Contents
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