ATA's NEW MASTERMIND PROGRAM FOR MEMBERS: What Is It and Who Can Benefit ATA's new Mastermind Program offers you the chance to take advantage of a new kind of mentoring designed to offer you the support you need! By Tess Whitty and Dorothee Racette 12 " None of us is as smart as all of us. " -Ken Blanchard M ost translators and interpreters go into business understanding that finding and retaining clients will be hard work. What many fail to see, however, is the difficulty in running a business alone and not always knowing what to do next. This is where ATA's Mastermind Program can help! The ATA Chronicle | March/April 2021 ATA's new program offers mentoring designed to help you learn and develop professionally. Participants work together in small peer groups (aka Mastermind groups) that meet regularly, giving members a chance to share knowledge on specific topics and work collaboratively to achieve their learning goals. ATA's Mentoring Committee, a subcommittee of the Business Practices Education Committee, introduced the initiative this year as a way to help serve long-term members. The pilot rollout for the groups is planned for this spring. Although the Mastermind groups for the 2021 program have already been organized, www.atanet.org