LinkedIn Groups: How They Can Help You Meet the Right Clients If you really want to meet your clients where they are, making a plan to join and engage in LinkedIn Groups is an excellent way to add to your LinkedIn marketing strategy and get in front of the right people. By Madalena Sánchez Zampaulo L inkedIn Groups are an often overlooked area of the social networking platform that can truly be a gold mine for freelancers to grow their networks and conduct market research. There's a LinkedIn group for just about anything you can think of. Unlike other social media platforms, LinkedIn Groups are geared toward professionals with similar interests and fields of practice. For example, most translators I know are members of several LinkedIn groups for translators. The same can be said for interpreters. 16 The ATA Chronicle | November/December 2021 So, why are LinkedIn Groups important from a marketing standpoint, and why should you utilize them as part of your LinkedIn strategy? Simply put, these groups are where you'll find more people who work in the same field or industry you want to serve. People you might not otherwise have the opportunity to meet. Just as we join groups with other translators and interpreters, professionals in other fields and professions do the same. So, if you really want to meet your clients where they are, making a plan to join and www.atanet.org