The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2022 - 29

ATA Honors and Awards
2022 Honors and Awards
Now Open!
ATA and the American Foundation for Translation and
Interpretation (AFTI) present annual and biennial awards to
encourage, reward, and publicize outstanding work by both
seasoned professionals and students. Awards and scholarships for
2022 include:
Marian S. Greenfield
Financial Translation
Presentation Award
Liming Pals
iming Pals is the recipient of the 2021 Marian S.
Greenfield Financial Translation Presentation
Award. The award is given by the American
Foundation for Translation and Interpretation to
recognize an outstanding presenter of a financial
translation session during ATA's Annual Conference.
Liming presented one intermediate session
(International Mergers and Acquisitions and Common
Translation Pitfalls) at ATA's 62nd Annual Conference
in Minnesota. She discussed the important role
translators and interpreters play in the success
of cross-border and multinational mergers and
acquisitions. These transactions rely on effective
understanding and communication across all parties,
no matter the country or spoken language of the
companies involved. As a legal and financial translator,
Pals provided attendees with an overview of the
general legal framework for international mergers and
acquisitions before discussing the various agreements
involved. She used some translation pitfalls as
examples to explain key terminology.
Liming Pals is an ATA-certified English<>Chinese
translator with over 12 years of experience in legal
and financial translations. She has a master's
degree in international law from China's Northwest
University of Political Science and Law. She
graduated from Iowa State University with a dual
degree (Master of Finance and MBA) in December
2021. She has worked on projects for global financial
institutions and international law firms and has
extensive experience translating documents related
to mergers and acquisitions.
Marian S. Greenfield served as president of ATA
(2005-2007), the New York Circle of Translators,
and the American Foundation for Translation and
Interpretation. She has worked in the translation
industry for over 40 years. A translator in New York's
Financial District for 20 years, she is the former
manager of translation services at JP Morgan.
The Alexander Gode Medal, ATA's most prestigious award,
is presented to an individual or institution for outstanding service
to the translating and interpreting professions. Nominations are
solicited from the membership at large.
Alicia Gordon Award for Word Artistry in Translation is
presented by AFTI for a translation (from French or Spanish into
English, or from English into French or Spanish) in any subject
that demonstrates the highest level of creativity in solving a
particularly knotty translation problem. Open to ATA members in
good standing.
ATA Advocacy Award recognizes a person or entity that has
demonstrated outstanding advocacy for the language professions
in general, for the importance of professional translators and
interpreters, and/or for the greater societal understanding of the
value of professional translators and interpreters.
ATA Impact Award recognizes a person or entity that has
demonstrated outstanding leadership having an impact with ATA
through work on a specific project or initiative. This award differs
from ATA Honorary Membership in that it is presented for a
specific project or initiative, rather than for lifetime achievement.
ATA Innovation Award recognizes a person or entity that has
worked in a particularly innovative way to benefit ATA and/or the
language professions.
Lewis Galantière Award is presented biennially for a
distinguished book-length literary translation from any language,
except German, into English.
S. Edmund Berger Prize is presented by AFTI to recognize
excellence in scientific and technical translation by an ATA
Marian S. Greenfield Financial Translation Presentation
Award is offered by AFTI to recognize an outstanding presenter
of a financial translation session during ATA's Annual Conference.
Student Translation Award is presented to any graduate or
undergraduate student, or group of students, for a literary or scitech
translation or translation-related project.
For complete entry information and deadlines, visit
American Translators Association 29

The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2022

The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2022 - 1
The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2022 - Contents
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