The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2022 - 8

Michèle Hansen
By Larry Bogoslaw, deputy ATA Certification Committee chair,
and Corinne McKay, ATA past president (2017-2019)
e are sad to
inform you of the
passing of ATA
Certification Committee
Chair Michèle Hansen.
Michèle, a devoted member
for 33 years, died on
December 5 after a short
battle with cancer.
Michèle spent her early
life in Hinsdale, Illinois, then
moved to Jakarta, Indonesia,
where she graduated from
the Jakarta International
School. She then attended
the University of WisconsinMadison,
earning a BA
in French and Chinese.
During her undergraduate
studies, Michèle spent her
junior year in the south of
France. After graduation,
she earned a certificate in
medical writing from the
University of Chicago, a
certificate in pharmaceutical
writing from the American
Medical Writers Association,
and her ATA certification
Michèle applied her
knowledge of medical topics
to projects in international
development and global
health for national and
international health and
public health agencies as
well as non-governmental
organizations. These projects
included health policy,
epidemiology, and public
health programs in subSaharan
Africa and Haiti,
with a focus on malaria,
HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis,
diseases, and immunization
campaigns. Related
translations for sustainable
development and " One
Health " included agricultural
and veterinary research.
Michèle had significant
experience with documentation
for the pharmaceutical
industry. Her clients
included many of the
major pharmaceutical and
biotech companies.
Michèle was also an adjunct
instructor of French>English
medical translation at the
New York University School of
Professional and Continuing
8 The ATA Chronicle | January/February 2022
Studies and taught
French>English medical
translation at the University
of Chicago Graham School.
Michèle loved to share her
passion for lifelong learning,
and her students consistently
remarked on the thought and
care she put into preparing
her courses. They described
her as " An excellent
instructor and a continuing
education ambassador " and
" An expert translator who is
also clear, approachable, and
funny. " One student even
remarked, " I would take
any class she teaches, just
for the pleasure of learning
from her. "
Michèle went above and
beyond in her service to
ATA. A longtime member
of the French Language
Division (FLD), she served as
assistant administrator and
then division administrator.
She was known in the FLD
as a valued editing partner
and as a colleague who could
always be counted on for
advice and support. She was
a frequent presenter at ATA
conferences, covering topics
ranging from how to prepare
for ATA's certification
exam to translating for the
international development
sector. In 2014, Michèle
joined the Certification
Committee, where her
energy and initiative
helped effect some of the
program's most major
changes in decades: first, the
computerized certification
exam (where candidates
bring their own computers
to public sittings) and,
more recently, the online
exam (where candidates
complete and submit their
translations from home).
Michèle will long be
remembered as a treasured
colleague who was also a
genuinely kind and generous
person. Every interaction
with Michèle had a human
touch, whether it was her
efforts to keep her dog from
barking at the UPS truck
during online presentations,
or her plans for a
spontaneous trip to stomp
grapes during the wine
harvest in southern France.
( " Why not? " was Michèle's
Her volunteer endeavors
were imbued with a
spirit of collaboration,
purposefulness, and good
cheer. When faced with
setbacks and difficult
questions, she often
responded with a joke, and
always with optimism and
industrious effort. Michèle
was a resourceful colleague
and leader who was not only
great to work with but fun to
be around.
Michèle was also much
cherished outside of ATA.
Her obituary reads, in
part: " Michèle raised two
wonderful daughters who
are committed to keeping
her spirit alive. Michèle
enjoyed walking her dogs
with friends, crossword
puzzles, international
travel, jazz music, archery,
and hosting dinner parties.
Michèle was generous
to the extreme with her
time and resources, often
helping others in need. She
supported Tibetan refugees
as a young adult and
donated to many charities
throughout her life. "
Michèle will be greatly
missed by the ATA
community. To honor her
memory, her family suggests
a donation to Doctors
Without Borders/Médecins
Sans Frontières.

The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2022

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The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2022 - Contents
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The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2022 - 6
The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2022 - 7
The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2022 - 8
The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2022 - 9
The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2022 - 10
The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2022 - 11
The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2022 - 12
The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2022 - 13
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