The ATA Chronicle - September/October 2022 - 12

Board members. If elected, I'll
focus on these priorities:
y Providing more contentbased
training in
specialized language issues
to improve the knowledge
and expertise of translators
and interpreters. This will
enhance the value of
ATA membership and
attract new members. To
remain relevant, we must
be experts.
y Continuing efforts to
actively educate our
members on professional
standards promulgated by
international organizations,
such as the International
Organization for
Standardization and ASTM
International, to enhance
our position and relevance
against global and nonhuman
y Increasing collaboration
and communication
among divisions, their
administrators, and
assistant administrators.
Fostering relationships
and networking will
improve our ability
to address many
common concerns.
y Offering more opportunities
for members to serve in
ATA leadership roles to
facilitate the inclusion of
diverse perspectives and
I'll continue to engage
with and learn from
colleagues, and I welcome
hearing from you about
your vision for ATA and any
concerns. Thank you for
your consideration. I would
be honored to have your
support and vote.
Robin Bonthrone
I very much appreciate this
opportunity to continue
serving on ATA's Board of
Directors, which I joined in
2021. Since then, I've had
the privilege to collaborate
with an outstanding group
of hardworking colleagues.
Serving as a Board member
gives you the chance to be
involved in shaping future
short- and long-term policy,
and this is surely one of
the most rewarding aspects
of being an ATA director. I
very much look forward to
continuing this work if you
re-elect me.
My first contact with ATA
was in 1997, when I attended
the Annual Conference in
San Francisco. I gave my first
ATA conference presentation
(on the language of German
accounting) at the 1999
conference in St. Louis.
Since then, I've presented 11
regular sessions and 10 preconference/Advanced
and Training Day seminars.
I joined ATA in 2004, and
have played an increasingly
active role in the
Association since I moved
to the U.S. five years ago.
It's particularly rewarding
to serve as a member of the
Professional Development
Committee, and I'm
extremely proud to be part
of the team that has been
12 The ATA Chronicle | September/October 2022
responsible for making ATA
a global leader in online
continuing education for
translators and interpreters.
Our vastly expanded
offering of webinars and
workshops is supporting
ATA members and
nonmembers alike across all
stages of their professional
journey-from new entrants
to the profession down
to the most experienced
translators and interpreters.
And I'm leading the team
responsible for our next
project, which promises to
be our most exciting and
ambitious online offering
to date-I hope that details
will be announced at this
year's conference!
I'm proud to have served
as chair of the Ethics
Committee since October
2021, and have been
actively steering the final
phases of a multi-year
project to revise and update
ATA's Code of Ethics and
Professional Practice and
related documents. The
project is completed, and
you will be able to read the
amended code (now with a
new title) and accompanying
commentary at the latest
when you next renew your
ATA membership. Many
thanks to the past and
current members of the
Ethics Committee for their
hard work and dedication.
I also serve on ATA's
Finance and Audit
Committee, where my
knowledge of accounting
as a specialized financial
translator is invaluable,
and on the Honors and
Awards Committee, where
this year I'm heading the
team responsible for ATA's
Innovation Award. In the
past, I also served on the
Business Practices Education
and Standards Committees.
I'm currently serving my
second term as president of
the Austin Area Translators
and Interpreters Association
(AATIA), an ATA affiliate,
which has given me
frontline knowledge of
nonprofit governance and
valuable experience in
steering AATIA through the
challenges imposed by the
pandemic. I also attended
a very instructive training
webinar for nonprofit
directors last year.
I'm asking for your vote
so I can continue shaping
the future of ATA in this
challenging and fastchanging
world, working
with fellow Board members
to safeguard and advance the
interests of all our members.
CĂ©line Browning
This past year has taken
quite the turn from what
I expected it to be. First,
while I was deeply honored
to be nominated to run for a
position on ATA's Board of
Directors at ATA62, I wasn't
elected. While election to the
Board didn't occur for me, it
was an honor to have been
nominated to serve such a
worthy organization.
Following ATA62, I
signed up for multiple ATA
committees and was on my

The ATA Chronicle - September/October 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The ATA Chronicle - September/October 2022

The ATA Chronicle - September/October 2022 - 1
The ATA Chronicle - September/October 2022 - Contents
The ATA Chronicle - September/October 2022 - 3
The ATA Chronicle - September/October 2022 - 4
The ATA Chronicle - September/October 2022 - 5
The ATA Chronicle - September/October 2022 - 6
The ATA Chronicle - September/October 2022 - 7
The ATA Chronicle - September/October 2022 - 8
The ATA Chronicle - September/October 2022 - 9
The ATA Chronicle - September/October 2022 - 10
The ATA Chronicle - September/October 2022 - 11
The ATA Chronicle - September/October 2022 - 12
The ATA Chronicle - September/October 2022 - 13
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