The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2023 - 33
There are some
clear benefits of
having a solid
process in
place for your
translation and
your CAT tool's editor. It's
then the translator's or
reviewer's job to decide if
the translation shown by
the tool is suitable for the
Figure 2 shows a
screenshot of what this
looks like in the CAT tool.
Terms entered in the
termbase appear highlighted
in blue. For example, for
" Spanish Mackerel " and
" King Mackerel " in English,
which are types of fish, you
have " maccarello reale " and
" maccarello reale maculato "
in Italian.
Each CAT tool may use
different codes to import
information along with the
term entry. For example,
Figure 1: Leveraging glossaries in Excel
How Termbases Work
When the termbase is properly integrated in the CAT tool, source texts are
automatically searched for relevant terminology. Your suggested translations are also
searched for all terms included in your termbase. The terms are displayed on the screen of
your CAT tool's editor. It's then the translator's or reviewer's job to decide if the translation
shown by the tool is suitable for the context.
Figure 2 on page XX shows a screenshot of what this looks like in the CAT tool.
Terms entered in the termbase appear highlighted in blue. For example, for " Spanish
Mackerel " and " King Mackerel " in English, which are types of fish, you have " maccarello
reale " and " maccarello reale maculato " in Italian.
How Termbases Work
Figure 2: The results of a termbase search displayed in a CAT tool's editor
Figure 2: The results of a termbase search displayed in a CAT tool's editor
When the termbase is properly integrated in the CAT tool, source texts are
automatically searched for relevant terminology. Your suggested translations are also
searched for all terms included in your termbase. The terms are displayed on the screen of
your CAT tool's editor. It's then the translator's or reviewer's job to decide if the translation
shown by the tool is suitable for the context.
Figure 2 on page XX shows a screenshot of what this looks like in the CAT tool.
Terms entered in the termbase appear highlighted in blue. For example, for " Spanish
Mackerel " and " King Mackerel " in English, which are types of fish, you have " maccarello
reale " and " maccarello reale maculato " in Italian.
Figure 2: The results of a termbase search displayed in a CAT tool's editor
Figure 3: CAT tools may use different codes to import information along with the term
in memoQ, if you highlight
a term in red in the Excel
file and specify that it's a
" NonTerm " in the " Term_
Info " column (column " I " ),
it will be imported as a
forbidden term. (See Figure 3.)
Termbases versus
Translation Memories
Let's take a look at how a
termbase is different from a
translation memory, as these
two concepts are frequently
confused. All CAT tools
Each CAT tool may use different codes to import information along with the term
entry. For example, in Figure 3 on page XX, if you highlight a term in red in the Excel file
and specify that it's a " NonTerm " in the " Term_Info " column (column " I " ), it will be
imported as a forbidden term.
Each CAT tool may use different codes to import information along with the term
entry. For example, in Figure 3 on page XX, if you highlight a term in red in the Excel file
and specify that it's a " NonTerm " in the " Term_Info " column (column " I " ), it will be
imported as a forbidden term.
include both features but
they serve different purposes.
A termbase is a searchable
database or glossary
containing single words
or expressions that are
included in a deliberate
Figure 3: CAT tools may use different codes to import information along with the term entry
Termbases vs. Translation Memories
Let's take a look at how a termbase is different from a translation memory, as these
American Translators Association 33
The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2023
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2023
The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2023 - 1
The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2023 - Contents
The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2023 - 3
The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2023 - 4
The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2023 - 5
The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2023 - 6
The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2023 - 7
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